The Scorpion King

Traveta reviews

The Scorpion King
(Widescreen Edition)
Distributed by
Universal Home Video

    CoverBuy the R2 DVD from

  • Cert: PG-13
  • 21800
  • Running time: 92 minutes
  • Year: 2002
  • Pressing: 2002
  • Region(s): 1, NTSC
  • Chapters: 28
  • Sound: Dolby Digital 5.1
  • Languages: English, French
  • Subtitles: English, French, Spanish
  • Widescreen: 2.35:1
  • 16:9-Enhanced: Yes
  • Macrovision: Yes
  • Disc Format: DVD 9
  • Price: $26.98
  • Extras:Alternate Version of the Film, Audio Commentaries, Outtakes,Alternate Scenes, The Making of the Scorpion King, Production Design,Preparing the Fight, The Rock and Michael Clarke Duncan, SpecialEffects, Music Video, King Scorpion, Theatrical Trailer, ProductionNotes, Cast and Filmmakers, Universal Showcase.


      Chuck Russell


    Stephen Sommers, William Osbourne, and David Hayter


    Mathayus: The Rock
    Cassandra: Kelly Hu
    Memnon: Steven Brand
    Balthazar: Michael Clarke Duncan
    Arpid: Grant Heslov
    Philos: Bernard Hill
    Prince Takmet: Peter Facinelli

A spinoff from the Mummy series?You’d think this would feature a storyabout, oh I don’t know, mummies or something. But instead we get aspinoff featuring a villian who we saw very briefly inThe Mummy Returns.His appearance in said movie was better and more enjoyable thanthis 92 minute waste of time. Plus the vehicle for a WWE wrestler isguarenteed to suck.

The Scorpion King tells a somewhat muddled up story (too many authorsspoiling the screenplay broth I think). A ruler is using his sorceressto see ahead of time the outcomes of his battles. Thus, he wins all thetime and everyone fears him blah blah blah. When assassin-for-hireMathayus (The Rock) comes along to put Memnon and his sorceress out ofcommission. Along the way he encounters a swarmy side kick who spits outall the usual stereotype comedy phrases. Together they find thesorceress, Cassandra. Instead of killing her, Mathayus kidnaps her anddecides she’s worth more alive than dead. Now Memnon is on the hunt andhis key to ruling the world must be found.

For being the first feature for The Rock things don’t look too good. I’msure he’ll do more but this movie will be a thorn in his side. Boringstory, ridiculous characters, and dry acting drag this down. You have tolove the one scene where Mathyus plays the “slasher” and jumps out arandom to grab his enemies. At 92 minutes you’ll find yourself restlessand regretting even subjecting your DVD player to this filth (I know Iwas).

What a boring movie. This could have been a fun little action rompbut instead comes off as a studio wanting to make a quick buck ($80million to be exact). This movie’s success shows how little it takes toget an audience riled up. Dark days are ahead when a movie as bad asthis makes a lot of bank.

Universal pulls off a nice transfer though. Too bad it has to be forthis movie. Presented in anamorphic 2.35:1 widescreen, colors are boldand sharp. Fleshtones are balanced and blacks are deep. Edge Enhancementis thankfully absent. There was some minor pixelization noticed in darkareas but nothing that would ruin the viewing DISpleasure. I did noticea lot of moire on small objects such as clothing and items. Overallpretty decent. A seperate full frame (pan and scam) release is alsoavailable.

The sound fares well as well. The clatter of swords and the howling ofthe desert storm wind are portrayed very well. This track really shinesin the end obviously and was as good as I expected it to be. However, Idid notice a couple of instances of dialouge fade.

Universal crams quanity over quality onto this disc. Here’s how theextras stack up. All features are non-anamorphic.

  • Alternate Version of the Film:Differently cut scenes are interlaced into the film via a branching system.Been a long time since I saw a branching option.
  • Audio Commentaries:One features The Rock (complete with video segments) and the other featuresdirector Chuck Russell (wish I could have heard an apology).
  • Outtakes:Little over 3 minutes worth of outtakes. Most are not funnyexcept for the first one as The Rock attempts to catch a bag of rubies.He drops it over and over and is the only clip worth watching.
  • Alternate Scenes:Different cuts of certain scenes, presented in alternate version of the film as well.
  • The Making of The Scorpion King:14 minutes long. Another “making of”that does not give what it says. Instead we get a series of interviewsand clips from the movie that have them talking of The Rock and theplot. Don’t bother.
  • Preparing the Fight:5 minutes long. Features info on the choreography of key fight scenes.
  • The Rock and Michael Clarke Duncan:Some info on the friendship of the two actors. This should have just been in the “making of”.
  • Working With the Animals:No it does not feature Steve Irwin by anychance (given the lackluster supplements I wouldn’t be suprised). A 2minute long segment on the different animals of the movie……..I’mserious.
  • Special Effects:One segment features the cobra scene and the other focuses on the red ants.
  • Music Video:A music video by Godsmack featuring the theme song: “IStand Alone”. A good song, forever tainted by it’s association with thisfilm.
  • King Scorpion:A text based series of facts on the real life Scorpion King.
  • Theatrical Trailer:The trailer seems to warn you to stay away… I wish I would have listened.
  • Miscellaneous:Production notes (they still make these?), cast andcrew info, an offer for the Scorpion King Movie Club (LOL), a trailerfor WWE Legends (a show not a movie), and a Universal Showcase featuringtrailers for The Hulk and Taken.

It may look like a lot of supplements but it only adds up to some 40minutes or so of time.

Very annoying animated menus accompany this. Press menu during asupplement and instead of going back to the extra menu you’ll go back tothe menu.

Overall, the picture and sound presentation are the only thing that savethis from disaster. A terrible movie and some pretty bad extras are whatyou’ll get for $26.98. Let me give you some advice: skip this alltogether and buy Blade II instead.


Review copyright © Traveta, 2002.

