Dom Robinson reviewsRed Asphalt: Rock N Roll Racing 2for Sony PlaystationDistributed by
Red Asphalt: Rock & Roll Racing 2is a racing combat game, and acombination of racing and weapon skills is required to progress to the finalshowdown in the Arena of Death against Draenek.
Starting The Game
The main menu presents you with a number of options such as the choice ofCharacters, Cars, Equipment and the type of Race you want toplay, be it a regular race or a time trial. You can also move to the NextWorld from here if you have the requisite number of Chaos Points.
Playing the Game
The aim of the game is to drive round the tracks, and depending on how youperform you’ll get Chaos Points, Cash and Experience Points.The Chaos Points determine whether or not the IRC (IntergalacticRace Council) allow you to advance through the circuit. There are five differentWorlds including the Arena of Death, and you need 2 million Chaos Points perworld to move between them. Any cash earned during the race can be used toupgrade your car or to buy a new one, and experience points will upgrade yourcharacter’s abilities.
A 1st, 2nd or 3rd placing is necessary to gain chaos and experience points, andif you haven’t accumulated enough chaos points by the end of the sixth raceof any given world, you’ll have to start again on the first race, and you’lllose all your winnings too.
Each world has a boss, all of which are Draenek’s puppets, who is hard to beat,but the numerous power-ups which are available to you should help. When youdo come up against Draenek, you’ll only get one chance to blow him away…
Each of the six characters (Motormouth, Thula Crimstone, Jackal, Junkyard,Hiroki, and Handsome Jack Bloodwheel) have three abilities –Driving (affects how well you turn and your top speed),Tactical (affects how well you lock-on to your oppoonent’s vehicle), andAggression (affects how much damage you do with your weapons).
Of the six vehicles available (Bomback, Tigershark, Aztek, Hellfalcon,Tormento and Nightmare) you can only afford two to begin with, butthe more cash you earn during the races, the better a car you can upgrade tolater.
The power-ups available to you are placed at various points around thetrack, and you only need to drive through them to pick them up. These rangefrom Cash, Armour, Shield and a Nitro Boost toexcellent additions such as Dark Matter which makes your car appeartransparent so bullets go through you, Super-Shot which gives youplenty more firepower, and White Dwarf which makes your car glow whiteand one touch by anyone else will kill them.
Graphics, Sound and Playability
The tracks and the cars are quite well detailed, and give the whole thinga Wipeout-type feel, but don’t have the same high level of quality,instead aiming more for the gameplay stakes so that everything shifts roundat a frenetic place.
The sound also score mid-points, although it’s quite a lot of fun as thebullets sound off while you blow the crap out of your opponents.
Overall, the game is a lot of fun to play as you have a good choice of carsand characters available, but it’s not quite as good as, say, Wipeout2097 which has slicker graphics and sound, but given that that game cameout around a year ago and most gamers will already have bought it, it’s nowtime to make room for another racing game in the form of Red Asphalt: Rock &Roll Racing 2.
If you’re after some more info on Interplay’s games, check out their officialWebsite at
Review copyright © Dominic Robinson, 1998.
Reviewer of movies, videogames and music since 1994. Aortic valve operation survivor from the same year. Running since 2000. Nobel Peace Prize winner 2021.