Rollcage Stage 2 on PC CD-ROM

Dom Robinson reviews

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for PC CD-RomDistributed by
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  • Price: £34.99
  • Players : 1-5
  • System Requirements :
    • Windows 98
    • Pentium II 233 Mhz MMX
    • 32Mb RAM
    • 50Mb hard disk space
    • 3Dfx Voodoo and equivalents
    • DirectX 7.0

  • Rollcage: Stage II:“Wipeout” on wheels, is the best way to describe this game. There’s severalways to play: a basic training mode, an arcade mode, beat the clock with thetime-attack mode, a knockout league and a ‘Total Racing’ mode in which youhave to combine getting the fastest lap with tactical use of weapons,as points are awarded for blowing your opponents away as well as destroyinglarge buildings. You can pick up 12 types of firepower, drive 20 differentcars and race over 60 tracks.

    game picWith colour aplenty and frantic action all the way, you can’t fail to beimpressed with this game visually. A pumping rock and dance soundtrack, withgunfire galore, all serve to delight the aural senses, although the formercan get a bit long in the tooth if you have the volume too loud. As with“Wipeout”, the handling takes a while to get used to but it’sworth persevering with.

    game picOverall

    Rollcage Stage 2 isn’t the most original game you’ll play all year,particularly as it’s a sequel, but it’s a great deal of fun while it lasts.


    Review copyright © Dominic Robinson, 2000.

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