Scoop – The DVDfever Review – Netflix – Gillian Anderson, Rufus Sewell

Scoop Scoop takes in the famous 2019 BBC Newsnight interview with perverted Prince Andrew, who conned his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, into conning all of us into paying £12m to the woman he abused as a child – rather than pay for it himself, because he’s a dirty nonce.

When I first heard about this, I was curious, but straight off the bat, Rufus Sewell (The Father) doesn’t look at all like Prince Andrew, although then-presenter of the programme, Emily Maitlis must be cock-a-hoop that Gillian Anderson (The Crown Season 4) is playing her. And I’m still waiting for Colin Farrell to play me in a film about my life story.

That said, when you get into the film, Ms Anderson doesn’t sound anything like Ms Maitlis whatsoever.

At the start, the filthy paedophile is about to launch a Young Enterpreneur scheme at the Palace, and holds a press event. However, the Jeffrey Epstein link with him won’t go away – because he’s also a disgusting child abuser – so the plan is to arrange an interview with a ‘friendly’ journalist that will resolve the issue once and for all… or so he thought.

When it gets to the meat of the interview, it’s ‘selected highlights’ rather than the whole thing scene for scene, so to fill time, we get Billie Piper (Two For Joy) as BBC TV producer Sam McAlister, who’s told she can’t go for the Prince Andrew story becase they’re “never going to get it“, Keeley Hawes (Finding Alice) is the perv’s private secretary, Amanda Thirsk, there’s some dodgy CGI as Piper is seem ‘walking into Buckingam Palace’, although it’s quite amusing that ‘Harry’ (aka Richard Goulding) from The Windsors is in it, but not playing a member of the Royal Family.

Scoop wasn’t available for review before its release, and having watched it, I can see why. It’s quite a dull retelling of events we already know, and has been hyped up out of all recognition. You may as well just save time and watch the whole interview on BBC iPlayer.

The Royal Family only got to live in their palaces by raping and pillaging across the land. They didn’t ask for them nicely, and the sooner we abolish the Monarchy, the better.

Late on, Romola Garai (One Life) – as Newsnight editor Esme Wren – gives a speech to the main cast about their interview, that may as well be fellatio: “This is what Newsnight is. We put the time in… to get the stories other shows won’t. Stories that need to be told, that people care about, hold the powerful to account and give victims a voice.”

Try telling that to Jeremy Corbyn, who the BBC and Newsnight set up by doctoring a photo of him in a cap, to look like he’s next to the Kremin in Red Square, Moscow, wearing a Russian hat, making him look evil, just so the BBC can suck up to the Tories, as is their endless bias. And now, look at the clusterfuck that’s in power, with Partygate, crashing the economy and then the most corrupt iteration ever in power, under Rishi Sunak and giving contracts to all his mates.

Oh, but Jeremy Corbyn is such a bad guy, all the Tory simps cry! Really?! I beg to differ…

Scoop is on Netflix from Friday March 29th, isn’t yet available to pre-order on Blu-ray or DVD.

Check out the trailer below:

Scoop – Official Trailer – Netflix

Detailed specs:

Running time: 100 minutes
Release date: April 5th 2024
Studio: Netflix
Aspect Ratio: 2.39:1
Score: 2/10

Director: Philip Martin
Producers: Radford Neville, Hilary Salmon, Sanjay Singhal
Novel: Sam McAlister
Screenplay: Geoff Bussetil, Peter Moffat
Music: Anne Nikitin, Hannah Peel

Emily Maitlis: Gillian Anderson
Prince Andrew: Rufus Sewell
Amanda Thirsk: Keeley Hawes
Sam McAlister: Billie Piper
Stewart Maclean: Richard Goulding
Esme Wren: Romola Garai
Jae Donnelly: Connor Swindells
Annette Witheridge: Kate Fleetwood
Jeffrey Epstein: Colin Wells
Fran Unsworth: Lia Williams
Rebecca: Aoife Hinds
Freddy: Jordan Kouamé
