Slingo Bingo on PC – The DVDfever Review

Sometimes a game comes along that’s a perfect fusion of two others. The super-rich have polo – sort of a cross between hockey and horseriding – but for digital gamers worldwide there’s Slingo Bingo. The best thing about this new slot game is that it can help anyone who plays it to move just a little closer to joining the ranks of the wealthy.

Slingo Bingo was the brainchild of Sal Falciglia. The American property developer was looking for an exciting way to combine two gambling favourites – slots and bingo. He devised it back in 1994 and set up the company Slingo Inc. Nineteen years later, in 2013, he made his own tidy fortune by selling the rights to the game to RealNetworks for $15.6 million. Since then it’s become more and more popular with online gaming sites looking for new and different ways to attract new players.

Enjoy the best of both worlds

Slingo Bingo
Like the name suggests, Slingo Bingo is a crossover between the two games, incorporating key elements of both. Its appeal to online gaming sites stems from a couple of factors:

  • 1. Slots players have a real appetite for novelty. They’re always looking for new games whether they’re based on their favourite movies or popular themes like Aladdin’s treasure cave or fairground attractions. Slingo Bingo has that novelty value because it’s so unique.

  • 2. It’s a game that works just as well on a mobile device as on a PC. With more and more people choosing to play all kinds of games on their phones or tablets, this extends its appeal to a broader audience.

  • 3. There are also a number of variations on the basic game, appealing to different gambling preferences. Essentially, all are based on the basic 75 ball bingo game that’s played all round the world both online and in the ever-dwindling number of bingo halls, too.

How to play Slingo Bingo

The way to play the game is simple.

Essentially, in place of the bingo caller or random number generator, the numbers appear on the reels of a slots-style display that sits under the bingo card. There are five reels in all, so each spin brings up a potential of five numbers to cross off on a bingo card. This is a 5 x 5 grid so, if you’re incredibly lucky, you could find yourself filling it all up in five spins of the reels. Incidentally, you can only see one number per reel unlike as more traditional slot where you’ll usually see three numbers per reel or more.

Because you’re seeing five numbers at a time, you can play Slingo Bingo a lot quicker than the real thing. To speed it up even more, there’s also a time limit for making each spin. So if you’re too slow you’ll be at an immediate disadvantage.

Each game consists of 20 spins of the reel and the winner of the game is the person who’s accumulated the most points.

While Slingo Bingo is a straightforward game to play, you’ll stand yourself in better stead of winning a big prize by checking out these tips and tricks, and understanding how it differs from other online slots.

Who plays Slingo Bingo?

Slingo Bingo will appeal to anyone who wants a fast-moving gaming experience that relies more on luck than judgement. It’s also great for people who may have got used to playing casino games on a console and want to start getting into online casinos – but with an easy game, at least to start them off. The straightforward rules and relatively low stakes make Slingo Bingo an ideal choice.

A big part of bingo has always also been the social factor of bringing communities together. Slingo Bingo is no exception, as you’re able to chat with other players online. There’s a chat room where you can meet up with old friends and even make some new ones as you play.

Special slots features

To whet the appetite of slots gamers even more, there are a number of extra elements drawn from slots play. These include free spins, multipliers and jokers which form a wild symbol. So if you’re a fan of online slots, you’ll know exactly what to expect.

Something else to look out for is the dreaded Devil. When this appears on any of the reels it can halve your score at a stroke – so watch out. Don’t worry too much because there’s also a good chance that you’ll earn some ‘Devil’s Protection’ which will save you from losing points if this does happen – for short time at least.

Among the other slots-style features that can help you on your way to winning are the multipliers. These can give you the chance to multiply your points by up to five times, and often you can save these up until close to the end of the game. This is the best moment to use them because it can make a real difference to your final score – and the amount of cash you take home.

Lots of games also have special features called Power Ups which can also be used to boost your final position, as long as you use them wisely.

In terms of the types of games you can play, you’re spoilt for choice. Maybe you want a smaller game with fewer players and a greater chance of winning – or perhaps you’d prefer to play one of the many Slingo Extreme games which are faster, more competitive and can have first prizes that can be as high as £50,000. Either way, the returns on your stakes are usually well over 90%.

Go for Slingo Bingo

There’s nothing worse that wasting your money on a half-rate game, whatever the platform. But a good game can be a source of inspiration and excitement time and time again. Trust us – Slingo Bingo falls firmly in the latter camp. We’re sure that you’ll find that its fast pace, big chances of winning and social aspect makes for a winning combination. And if you then go on to win big, you might never look at a bingo game in quite the same way ever again.
