Syphon Filter: Logan’s Shadow

Dom Robinson reviews

Syphon Filter: Logan’s Shadowfor Sony PSP
Distributed by

  • Price: £24.99
  • Players: 1 plus online
  • Widescreen: Yes

Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror was the first of this series of games that I’ve played on the Sony PSP.

To get the basics out of the way, there are 23 single player missions, 5multi-purpose online maps and a training mode to help you get into it.

Once again you play Gabe Logan and you’re working for a Black Ops agency thatdoesn’t exist (is it the Urban Spaceman?). The object is to recover the ProjectDark Mirror, getting you into hot water with some of the world’s most secretof Secret Services, taking in countries such as Finland, Alaska and Peru,starting off by confronting one of your arch-enemies, Bitar.

coverAs you make your way through the levels, though, the gameplay was problematicand while the audio/visual side of it was okay, there was nothing particularlyoutstanding in this title.

Taking these things in turn, at first, the only two options I found for thecontrols were that I couldn’t use the analog stick to turn left/right whenaiming and also using it to move forward back, so this required a combinationof that and the square and circle. Alternatively, you can toggle this optionbut then you’ve got the same problem in reverse which is just as much of apain. Why do this?

However, after much gnashing of teeth (well, not really, but once I lookedinto it more deeply, I saw it also includes a ‘Classic’ mode which placesStrafe on the left-shoulder button and gives the analog stick as moving forwardand back as well as turning left/right. Sorted!

coverThe control of Logan comes across as quite stilted as you walk about, makingit seem odd when you rush into combat and have to deal with the baddies comingtowards you.

In fact, getting about it sometimes feels like like a KryptonFactor puzzle working out how to even climb the netting at the side of a boat(and why do the baddies have that when it’s just to let you on and kill them?)

Environments outside of the main location are sparse, so I guess it’s just aswell that you’re miles away from civilisation in the plot.

You can grapple with and try to snap the neck of a baddie, but most of the time it’seasier just to fill them with bullets. You’re not often going to run out andgrenades can also be picked up.

coverIt can be confusing to work out where you need to go, and as such overalldoesn’t really make for a fun experience compared to other third-person shooterswith an element of stealth.

The AI’s not always great, either. On occasions, I’ve had a baddie continue tohide behind a shield, then I went up to him as he didn’t come up so I thoughthe was dead, he let me stand there and fire a couple of shots into him, thengave me a moment to reload, and one more shot finished him off(!)

Multiplayer is available for those who enjoy that sort of thing, but I’m asingle-player kinda guy.

Overall, This kind of game will pass a couple of hours as a rental, but it’sa bit of a pain in its execution and there are better stealth games out thereto play.


OVERALLReview copyright © Dominic Robinson, 2008.

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