The Bricklayer. Last month, it was The Beekeeper. Whoever next? The Butcher? The Baker? The Candlestick Maker? Anyhoo, the attempted plot in this is that someone called Popov has popped off… having been killed off …
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New DVDs & Blu-ray releases, Movie, TV & Gaming Reviews!
The Bricklayer. Last month, it was The Beekeeper. Whoever next? The Butcher? The Baker? The Candlestick Maker? Anyhoo, the attempted plot in this is that someone called Popov has popped off… having been killed off …
Continue readingPlane – a new action movie for 2023 with a very ‘plain’ moniker. Apparently, the studio wanted to give this a proper title, but Gerard Butler (Angel Has Fallen) – as pilot Brodie Torrance: – …
Continue readingAngel Has Fallen is now out on Blu-ray, and I’ve updated my cinema review to include a look at the extras, which is later on in this review. The film follows on from 2013’s Olympus …
Continue readingThe Vanishing is a film which takes an age to get going, but when it does, it’s worth sticking with. Dom RobinsonReviewer of movies, videogames and music since 1994. Aortic valve operation survivor from the …
Continue readingHunter Killer – I can’t say it’s ‘Die Hard on a submarine’, since (a) it’s not, and (b) that was claimed by the so-so Under Siege in 1992. You don’t watch Gerard Butler action films …
Continue readingDen Of Thieves: When I first heard of this, I couldn’t see how it could last almost two-and-a-half hours, as I don’t think most films should run more than two, but was I right? Well, …
Continue readingLondon Has Fallen begins with the news that the Prime Minister is dead. For world leaders, it’s a time of great sadness. You could imagine what the reaction would be like on Twitter and Facebook, …
Continue readingOlympus Has Fallen: After a driving accident which leaves the First Lady (Ashley Judd) brown bread, Presidential guard Mike Banning (Gerard Butler) is kicked out of his high-profile position and into a dull desk job …
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