Queenie centres around Queenie Jenkins (Dionne Brown), who’s in hospital, having a check on her cervix for reasons that’ll become apparent, and being told it might be uncomfortable, by the doctor, resulting in our lead’s …
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Queenie centres around Queenie Jenkins (Dionne Brown), who’s in hospital, having a check on her cervix for reasons that’ll become apparent, and being told it might be uncomfortable, by the doctor, resulting in our lead’s …
Continue readingLast Train To Christmas is set entirely on a train, and begins on Christmas Eve, 1985, with the film’s opening 16:9 aspect ratio neatly changing back to 4:3. After embarking on the vehicle in question, …
Continue readingThe Caretaker starts with the Doctor and Clara being held prisoner on an alien planet, and they can’t break themselves free because Clara doesn’t have the vibro-cutters. Where are they? “In my other jacket”, Clara …
Continue readingThe Caretaker is the 6th episode in Doctor Who Series 8, and this time round, when terrifying events threaten Coal Hill School, The Doctor (Peter Capaldi) decides to go undercover as caretaker John Smith, and …
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