Transcendence The Blu-rays and DVDs out this coming week start with Transcendence, a sci-fi thriller directed by Wally Pfister and starring Johnny Depp. Dr. Will Caster (Depp) is one of the leading scientists in the …
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The London Film Festival 2013 Part 3: The Annual DVDfever Awards (October 9th-20th)
YES, THEY’RE HERE, THE ANNUAL DVDfever AWARDS… AND THE AWARD GOES TO… (DRAMATIC PAUSE WHILE VIRTUAL ENVELOPE IS OPENED)… The London Film Festival 2013: It’s that time again. When DVDfever looks through its notes, tots …
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The London Film Festival 2013 Part 2: Going Places (October 9th-20th)
WHOOSH! That’s the sound of The London Film Festival 2013 whizzing past, these days spreading its tentacles into the provinces as well as the suburbs. WHAM! is the sound made by the special effects (and …
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