TW’s Region 1 DVD Watchdog Volume 3

Travis Willock reviews

TW’s Region 1 Watchdog
V o l u m e # 0 30 5 A u g u s t 2 0 0 3
CoverWarner Home Video

Alright folks, I know the first issue was chock full of great newannouncements but this is where it gets REALLY slow. The next couple ofweeks should bring announcements of X2 (which is LONG overdue), Hulk,and several more. With the summer season officially slowing to a tricklewe’re going to see the studios attempt to get these out ASAP. So plodthrough the admittedly terrible week with this issue.

Instead of there being a top pick of the week there will be a shame ofthe week this time since none of these titles have me excited. Here wego.

Shame of the week: DREAMCATCHER

DREAMCATCHER will street on September 30. Available in seperateanamorphic widescreen (2.40:1) and fullscreen transfers. I’d list theextras but merely typing about this is making me cringe. Retail is$26.95 which may I suggest Warner change that to $2.95 if it hopes tomove any product.

    Excitement Factor: 0 out of 10. This is seriously, all honesty here, theworst movie I have ever seen. It beats ‘Plan 9’ for me. This “thing”that somehow got passed as a film is an atrocity to the industry anddeserves to be banned for pure stupidity.

THE BEAST FROM 20.000 FATHOMS, THE VALLEY OF GWANGI and THE BLACKSCORPION will street on October 21. Each will be in it’s original aspectratio. Retail is a cheap $19.95.

    Excitement Factor: 7 out 10. Now here are some good sci-fi films thatstreet nearly a month after DREAMCATCHER, spend your money on theseinstead.

THE IN-LAWS (2003) will street on October 21. Available in seperateanamorphic widescreen (1.85:1) and fullscreen transfers. Extras TBA.Retail is $26.95.

    Excitement Factor: 2 out 10. Quite the bomb and deservedly so, I’m sorrybut Michael Douglas should just quit NOW.


CHARLIE’S ANGELS: FULL THROTTLE will street on October 21st. Availablein PG-13 and unrated versions. Each will contain the film in 2.40:1anamorphic widescreen (yes, so far no fullscreen transfer!). Extrasinclude commentary by McG, featurettes, trailers, and deleted scenes.Retail is $27.96.

    Excitement Factor: 5 out of 10. While it didn’t light up the box officeSony is still shrugging it off. I love action films but this one wasdreadful and arrogant to boot. Longwinded action scenes that not evenLucy Liu or Demi Moore could save.

MELTDOWN 2, THE MAN WITHOUT A PAST, CROMWELL, ALEGRIA, VAREKAL andSANFORD AND SON: THE COMPLETE THIRD SEASON will street on October 7. Thefirst two retail for $24.95, the third retails for $24.98, the fourthand fifth retail for $14.95, and the last retails for $29.95

    Excitement Factor: 2 out of 10. Eh, MELTDOWN 2?


FINDING NEMO will street on November 4 (rumors pointed to this monthsago). It will be a two disc set featuring both the anamorphic widescreen(1.85:1) version of the film along with the fullscreen versoin. Expectall the usual Pixar extras.

    Excitement Factor: 3 out 10. I bet you’re surprised. I believe I’m theonly person in the country, probably even the world that despises thisfilm. There’s just something about it…like a splinter in my mind…

A VIEW FROM THE TOP will street on September 9 to a general wantingpopulation of 2 people total. The disc will be available in anamorphicwidescreen (2.40:1) and several useless featurettes are included. Retailis $29.95.Excitement Factor: 0 out of 10. Not another chick flick!


No new announcements although DUEL has been delayed AGAIN. It wassupposed to street on August 12 but it was pulled once again.


Take these with a grain of salt since they’re only tales and stories.

  • 28 DAYS LATER: Yeah, yeah, sit back and watch your DVD ofthis and laugh at us over here who have to watch it in theaters for now. Myspider sense seems to suggest October 28 is the day we’ll get this in Region 1…youknow because it’s got 28 in the day and it’s before Halloween? I can’twait for this DVD, saw it 3 times in the theater and planning on seeingit again soon.
  • X2: X-MEN UNITED: Current rumors now have this pegged for aSeptember 12 street date but this seems very unlikely. It’s only a monthaway and very inadequate time to get pre-orders and whatnot. Come on,Fox get with the program!
  • THE HULK is expected to street on October 28 in seperate anamoprhicwidescreen (1.85:1) and a fullscreen transfer that will butcher directorAng Lee’s comic book paneling effect. Expect an announcement VERY soon.
  • LEGALLY BLONDE 2: RED, WHITE, AND BLONDE may street on November 11.
  • TERMINATOR 3: RISE OF THE MACHINES may street on November 18.
  • PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN may street on December 2.
  • SPY KIDS 3D: GAME OVER looks to street on March 4. 2004. Whether or notit will still be in 3D is unknown.
  • THE HAUNTED MANSION is rumored to street on March 20, 2004.

Until next week! Hopefully we’ll have some better discs announced.

Review copyright © Travis Willock, 2003.

EmailTravis Willock
