We Were Soldiers

Traveta reviews

We Were Soldiers
Distributed by
Paramount Home Video


  • Cert: R
  • Cat.no: 34002
  • Running time: 138 minutes
  • Year: 2002
  • Pressing: 2002
  • Region(s): 1, NTSC
  • Chapters: 19
  • Sound: Dolby Digital 5.1 (Eng only)
  • Languages: English, French
  • Subtitles: English
  • Widescreen: 2.35:1
  • 16:9-Enhanced: Yes
  • Macrovision: Yes
  • Disc Format: DVD 9
  • Price: $29.99
  • Extras:Audio Commentary, deleted scenes, featurette.


      Randall Wallace


    Randall Wallace


    Lt. Col. Hal Moore: Mel Gibson
    Julie Moore: Madeline Stowe
    Maj. Bruce Candall: Greg Kinnear
    Sgt. Maj. Basil Plumley: Sam Elliott
    2nd Lt. Jack Geoghegan: Chris Klein
    Barbara Geoghegan: Kari Russel
    Joe Calloway: Berry Pepper

After watching Saving Private Ryanso long ago (I guess it was only fouryears ago) I always compare war movies to it. Why? I try not to but thatmovie was so great that I always do. Granted, there aren’t that many badwar movies, butSaving Private Ryanraised the bar so high that it’snearly out of reach. Nearly. We Were Soldiers has bridged the gapbetween Vietnam War movie grittyness to World War II movie awesomeness.Movies based on the Vietnam War are gritty, tell-it-like it is storiesand World War II movies do the same but obviously have a greater appeal.We Were Soldiers contains the heart, soul, and the overall grittienessof this period in time and delivers it well.

We Were Soldiers tells the story of the first major battle betweenAmerican an Vietnam forces. November 12, 1965 was the date upon which itoccured and what a battle it was. We are first introduced to theantagonist Lt. Col. Hal Moore (Mel Gibson) as he has just transfers tolive on a military base with his family. He’s in charge of training hismen for their first attack. 48 minutes into and we’re smack dab in themiddle of an all out war. The movie explodes into an hour and a half ofgreat action which you can tell shares the significance of Braveheart.With a few twists and gruesome napalm attack scene, this is the bestVietnam War movie sincePlatoon.

Similar in vein toBlack Hawk Down.since the two share the same nearlyendless battles. This movie pulls it off well with a likeable cast,unlike Black Hawk Down where I was waiting for it to end. Not a badentry from the team that brought us Braveheart.

Into the disc. I don’t think I’ve ever gloated so much about a Paramountmovie. This transfer is easily one of the best from the studio. Unlikethe recentOrange Countyrelease, pixelization is nowhere to be seen andblacks are deep. The colors are sharp and bright and dark when they needto be. There’s was some grain though, that I didn’t expect but somethingtells me it was meant to be there because they should have caught it.With the grain there, it gives off an old time movie feel similar toSteven Speilberg touching up Saving Private Ryan to make it look old.Definitely the best transfer from Paramount.

The sound is presented in great quality as well. Included are English2.0 and 5.1 tracks as well as French 2.0. Of course with a war movie,the sound might be the best part and this is no exception. Booming andloud this would make the neighbors complain. Just watch the scenes whereair support is called in and you’ll see what I mean.

But, alas, the disc can’t be perfect. Instead of complaining about thelack of a plethora of extras I’m actually going to praise them.Paramount has taken the same step as Dreamworks did with the SavingPrivate Ryan disc and made sure the picture quality was not hampered. Afeaturette and deleted scenes are here, along with a commentary by thewriter and director. In a way, I’m glad they didn’t pack it with extrasbecause the movie wouldn’t have looked so good but Paramount is stingywith extras, not to mention the price.

Overall, We Were Soldiers comes highly recommended for it’s greattransfer and awesome sound. It’s not a bad movie either. If you want amovie that will change your perspective on the Vietnam War then this’lldo it for you.


Review copyright © Traveta, 2002.

