Dom Robinson reviews
Ubi Soft
- Price: £29.99
- Players: 1-2
The secret to this series is in its simplicity. Worms Blasttakes on a slightly different genre this time, but is still just as easy to pick up andplay.
The original Worms game reminded me a lot of Lemmings as it wasa 2D affair with various weapons with which to try and kill the other team.This latest outing is more akin to Bust-A-Move, which saw you having tofire at coloured bubbles with another bubble of the same colour and then anyother same-colour bubbles in close proximity would also fall, along with anybelow them that the explosion happened to dislodge. Yes, it’s also like anupside-down version of Tetris.
The presentation of the graphics gives it a very cartoon-like feel, which isequally colourful, as you scoot along in your dingy back and forth across thescreen in front of static backdrops, but with pleasing rippling water effectsas discarded bullets and other things hit the blue yonder. Of course, it’sworth noting that all that you see is nothing too taxing for the PS2.
The sound is similarly undemanding, but fits in well with the game.
Gameplay is this one’s key aspect and, as said earlier, it’s very easy topick up and play even though there is an extensive tutorial you can try outand a two-player option as shown in the screenshot below.
Some levels can be cleared by working out the best place to shoot yourcannon, while others which are about avoiding things are merely trial and errorand work like a game of ‘Simon’, in which you have to follow a predeterminedpattern. In addition, thanks to the ammo and weaponry upgrades and hidden extrasalong the way, it’s possible to turn your cannon into a laser-rifle which isessential later on.
On the downside, for some pointless reason, every once in a while an anvil oranother heavy weight drops out of the sky and onto your head just to hinderyour progress. Add to this the increased difficulty of some levels and the“just one more go” factor is replaced by sheer annoyance after a while.
Reviewer of movies, videogames and music since 1994. Aortic valve operation survivor from the same year. Running since 2000. Nobel Peace Prize winner 2021.