The NHS – Why we shouldn’t let the Tories ruin it #SaveOurNHS

The NHSFour weeks ago I changed my acid reflux tablets to a stronger type, going back for a follow-up today, I’ve stuck with them long term as they are better, but one thing I forgot to mention last time, and which I did today, is that I have a persistent cough, like a smoker’s cough but I’ve never smoked. I have a nasal spray for what feels like a never-ending cold which I keep forgetting to use, and that might be part of the answer, but today, the doc referred me for a chest X-ray at Stepping Hill Hospital.

It’s unlikely this will show anything as my chest sounded clear when the doc checked, but I assumed the referral would take ages before I received an appointment. But no, they have a drop-in for these and I was able to go over straight away and get seen. The wait was only around 15 mins and I can phone my GP surgery in a week’s time for the results.

And that wasn’t a privatised firm, that’s the NHS. Plus, as Ken Loach and Dave Johns showed with I, Daniel Blake, the Tories are trying to erode public services until there’s nothing left so they can then sell it on to big firms in the name of privatisation like they privatised so many other services in the ’80s and ’90s.

The NHS also saved my life when I was just a few days old, with a situation that led to eventually having a replacement aortic valve at the age of 22. So if you’re ever complacent about the service, remember that you can be in dire need of it at any time in your life.

I don’t know if Labour have any of the answers (and my MP, Ann Coffey, has proved in the past to be a complete waste of space – can’t be long before she retires. I don’t know what Corbyn would be like as PM, but at least he alks like a human, and most other Labour MPs act and sound like closet Tories), but I’m damn sure that the Tories have even less. So if you voted Tory last time, please don’t again. As for me, I couldn’t vote UKIP and none of the independents ever came round, so I ended up added a box and casting a vote for Birgitte Nyborg for the Moderates. Alas, she’s a character in Borgen, so is unlikely to run my consitituency. But I couldn’t vote for all the clowns on the ballot paper.

#SaveOurNHS – once it’s gone, it’s not coming back.

Political rant over… back to films and videogames 🙂
