Adam Duncan reviews
Extended Version
Disc Distribution
- Cert:
- SDE3022
- Running time: 76 minutes
- Year: 2001
- Pressing: 2002
- Region(s): 0, PAL
- Chapters: 15 plus extras
- Sound: Dolby Digital 5.1, Stereo
- Languages: English
- Subtitles: None
- Fullscreen: 4:3
- 16:9-Enhanced: No
- Macrovision: Yes
- Disc Format: DVD 5
- Price: £15.99
- Extras: Outtakes, Bonus Footage, Moto Pyscho Video, Vital Statistics,Discography, Web Links.

Megadethare considered one of the big four speed metal bands of the 80’salongside Anthrax, Metallica and Slayer.
They have sold 20 million albums worldwide and have been together since1983. This documentary looks at the origins of the band, their rise to thesuccess and also their excessive drug habits. There are recollections fromall current members of the band as well as former members, friends, familyand people in the music business.
The documentary is very interesting and is very in-depth particulary thesections on Dave’s life at home, his bitterness afetr being fired fromMetallica and how his drug habit nearly killed him. The documentary also hasclips from music videos and concerts alongside other archive footage.
The picture quality is excellent. The recent interviews look fine with noproblems. Some of the archive footage does look poor at times but this isdue to its age.
The sound is also very good particulary when the clips of the band’s music.
The menus are static but a few have songs from the band’s latest album, TheWorld Needs A Hero, in full. This makes a nice change from other music DVD’swhich only have a minute sample of a song. The main menus has BurningBridges, the extras menu has Dread And The Fugitive Mind and the VitalStastics menus has Disconnect.
There is a 3 minute music video for Moto Pyscho which is also from The WorldNeeds A Hero. The video is presented in widescreen.
There is 10 minutes of bonus footage which includes more insight into theband and the problems the band faced.
There is also a discography, vital stastics which is a profile of the fourcurrent band members: Dave Mustaine (Guitar, Vocals), David Ellefson(Bass, Backing Vocals), Jimmy Degrasso (Drums) and Al Pitrelli (Guitar,Backing Vocals) and web links.
Overall, this is a excellent documentary which covers the band’s entirehistory in great detail. Highly recommended to fans of the band or peoplewho like documentaries on rock/metal music.

Reviewer of movies, videogames and music since 1994. Aortic valve operation survivor from the same year. Running since 2000. Nobel Peace Prize winner 2021.