The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug is the second in a three-part series, since director Peter Jackson wanted to turn a small book into another huge franchise, although with the visuals on display it’s entirely …
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New DVDs & Blu-ray releases, Movie, TV & Gaming Reviews!
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug is the second in a three-part series, since director Peter Jackson wanted to turn a small book into another huge franchise, although with the visuals on display it’s entirely …
Continue readingYES, THEY’RE HERE, THE ANNUAL DVDfever AWARDS… AND THE AWARD GOES TO… (DRAMATIC PAUSE WHILE VIRTUAL ENVELOPE IS OPENED)… The London Film Festival 2013: It’s that time again. When DVDfever looks through its notes, tots …
Continue readingThere’s a lack of the titular component in Gravity because it’s set in space. That I knew. But what I didn’t know until I saw it was that it’s less a film and more an …
Continue readingWHOOSH! That’s the sound of The London Film Festival 2013 whizzing past, these days spreading its tentacles into the provinces as well as the suburbs. WHAM! is the sound made by the special effects (and …
Continue readingWHOOSH! That’s the sound of The 57th London Film Festival whizzing past, these days spreading its tentacles into the provinces as well as the suburbs. WHAM! is the sound made by the special effects (and …
Continue readingRunner Runner – a film for online gamers. Runner Runner is a film that’s perfect for today’s gamer. The whole storyline is based around online gambling but has the bonus factor of the majority of …
Continue readingLet’s start my review of White House Down with suggestions for more accurate titles: White House Thumbs Down, White House Dumb and Die Soft. For the next part, I’d normally explain what the plot is …
Continue readingRiddick is back. After 10 long years since we last saw him… well, 9 in real terms but 10 in movie terms, Riddick is back. At least that’s the impression that was given, yet the …
Continue readingIt’s taken me 3 weeks to get chance to see Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa but it was certainly worth the wait. I was very sceptical that if an Alan Partridge movie was made – after …
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