Brigsby Bear is a children’s show from years gone by, where the titular character would go on adventures, constantly trying to defeat the even Sun Snatcher but, of course, he never would so the programme …
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Brigsby Bear is a children’s show from years gone by, where the titular character would go on adventures, constantly trying to defeat the even Sun Snatcher but, of course, he never would so the programme …
Continue readingThor: Ragnarok is another film from the Disney Marvel universe, and is the third (and rumoured to be the final) instalment from the Thor franchise, which sees Chris Hemsworth reprise his popular role. The first …
Continue readingDaphne is a classic example of one of those films which really grabbed me from the trailer, below, but turned out to be considerably less than the sum of its parts. Portrayed by Emily Beecham, …
Continue readingMaze is the prison, in Northern Ireland, where, in 1983, Larry Marley (Tom Vaughan-Lawlor) ends up after ten of his friends have died from hunger strike, including Bobby Sands. Marley’s plan is to break out, …
Continue readingBad Day For The Cut is a good day for revenge movies, when farmer Donal (Nigel O’Neill) is naturally perturbed when his mother, Florence (Stella McCusker), is murdered, and he catches the bad guys still …
Continue readingEngland Is Mine takes the period in Steven Patrick Morrissey’s life from first constructing thoughts about poetry, whether reading or writing, and up to the time when he would embark upon a career with Johnny …
Continue readingMy Feral Heart centres around Luke (Steven Brandon, in a superb performance), a young lad with Down’s Syndrome, who dotes on his sick mother and is looking after her in the best way he can. …
Continue readingI Am Not Madame Bovary is so-called as the lead character, Li Xuelian (Bingbing Fan), is considered a woman of ill repute (as she had an affair), and all following her failed marriage to Qin …
Continue readingFollow The Money Season 2 begins 18 months on from the end of season 1… Claudia (Natalie Madueño) is out of jail, and Sander (Nikolaj Lie Kaas) is out of the picture. No-one knows where …
Continue readingThe New Man is a documentary about becoming a parent which, based on the trailer, made me think this was going to be a little too light-hearted and knockabout, but I was so wrong. The …
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