Press centres aroud two newspapers in this fictionalised Fleet Street. Workaholic Holly Evans (Charlotte Riley) works for the Herald, while Duncan Allen (Ben Chaplin) edits The Post, a more tabloid paper, and given their logo, …
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Press centres aroud two newspapers in this fictionalised Fleet Street. Workaholic Holly Evans (Charlotte Riley) works for the Herald, while Duncan Allen (Ben Chaplin) edits The Post, a more tabloid paper, and given their logo, …
Continue readingHow to Talk to Girls at Parties has shown me one first: Hawaiian-born and Australia-raised Nicole Kidman with a Cockney accent… and shouting “We Are England!” Hmm… It’s 1977 – the year of the Queen’s …
Continue readingV-Rally 4 comes not-so-hot-on-the-hells from its older trilogy bretheren where you race along various tracks around the world – usually coming off them on sharp turns, all the while being almost-shouted at by your co-driver …
Continue readingMonster Hunter Generations Ultimate is only the second Monster Hunter game I have played. The biggest problem with this is that the first was Monster Hunter World. Why is this a problem? Well, that one …
Continue readingWanderlust made me think it was going to go the way of David Cronenberg’s Crash, at first, as Joy (Toni Colette) was shown being involved in a car crash when someone whacked into her bike …
Continue readingMother’s Day relives the harrowing day on Saturday, March 20th 1993, the day before Mother’s Day, and the day the IRA bombed Warrington, claiming the lives of young 12-year-old Tim Parry and 3-year-old Johnathan Ball. …
Continue readingCustody centres around two warring parents – Miriam (Léa Drucker) and Antoine (Denis Ménochet) – who have split up, and naturally, the children are coming between them. With the eldest, Joséphine (Mathilde Auneveux) being 18, …
Continue readingThe Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society is a film I was in two minds about seeing. Why? Well: Dom RobinsonReviewer of movies, videogames and music since 1994. Aortic valve operation survivor from the …
Continue readingGhost Stories comes out on Blu-ray and DVD a little early for Halloween, but it’ll give you time to get ready. The film is presented partly as a documentary presented by Professor Philip Goodman (Andy …
Continue readingThe Deer Hunter is one of those films which I never *got* the first time I was able to watch it in its original widescreen ratio, as like a lot of films when I was …
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