Intruders episode 1, She Was Provisional, begins in 1990, in Barstow, California, with a young girl called Donna (Katherine Evans) being woken up in the middle of the night by some unmasked men claiming they’re …
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Intruders episode 1, She Was Provisional, begins in 1990, in Barstow, California, with a young girl called Donna (Katherine Evans) being woken up in the middle of the night by some unmasked men claiming they’re …
Continue readingIn The Forest of the Night begins with a young girl telling the Doctor that she needs his help. He’s more concerned about the fact he and the TARDIS should be in London, rather than …
Continue readingFlatline finds the Doctor and Clara having to step out of a TARDIS which has made the blue box about 50% of its original size. With Clara wanting to get back to her classroom, and …
Continue readingMummy on the Orient Express puts us on a recreation of said train – except slightly bigger, where the rails are hyperspace ribbons, and it’s in space – and Clara immediately says “It’s a good …
Continue readingKill The Moon finds Clara and the annoying Courtney Woods, from last week’s dreadful The Caretaker, stuck on the moon, with The Doctor having long gone. Oh, and the year is 2049. Oh course, that’s …
Continue readingThe Caretaker starts with the Doctor and Clara being held prisoner on an alien planet, and they can’t break themselves free because Clara doesn’t have the vibro-cutters. Where are they? “In my other jacket”, Clara …
Continue readingMarvellous is a wonderful film and the one I’ve had the most requests about, mainly asking “When will Marvellous be released on DVD?” The answer has now been revealed…. and then put back to December …
Continue readingTime Heist finds the TARDIS’ phone ringing. Very few people have his number, and “nothing can happen just by answering the phone”, but he does so, and something does happen, and both he and Clara …
Continue readingListen comes hot on the heels of the dreadful Robot of Sherwood, and a return to Steven Moffat writing the episode, meaning there’s high expectations for Peter Capaldi‘s Doctor to deliver the “darkness” he promised …
Continue readingRobot of Sherwood is the Robin Hood episode which, when I saw the trailer, filled my heart with dread because it looked about as far removed from Peter Capaldi‘s Doctor’s promise of going “into darkness” …
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