The Larkins is a reboot of The Darling Buds of May, even though no-one was crying out for one. It comes just over 30 years since they were last on our screens in the guise …
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New DVDs & Blu-ray releases, Movie, TV & Gaming Reviews!
The Larkins is a reboot of The Darling Buds of May, even though no-one was crying out for one. It comes just over 30 years since they were last on our screens in the guise …
Continue readingRidley Road has a dark heart to its storyline, taken from the novel by Jo Bloom, and with a screenplay by Sarah Solemani, usually best known for being onscreen in comedies like Him & Her …
Continue readingMaid is a new Netflix series centred around young mother Alex (Margaret Qualley – Once Upon a Time In Hollywood), who’s escaped in the middle of the night from her abusive husband Sean (Nick Robinson …
Continue readingHollington Drive centres around a very well-to-do family – the parents being Theresa (Anna Maxwell Martin) and Fraser (Rhashan Stone) – in a big, posh house, although if I had a ‘back door’ with massive …
Continue readingMidnight Mass is a new seven-part series on Netflix, begining with Book I: Genesis, so there’s the religious connection, since that’s how the episode titles go. Dom RobinsonReviewer of movies, videogames and music since 1994. …
Continue readingFoundation is yet another drama set in a post-apocalyptic-style world, everything’s dying, mankind is doomed, etc. A female voiceover (yet to be revealed) tells us how she wants to know about the universe, then travels …
Continue readingHelp is a look at how the social care system in the UK had to adjust to the hell we were all put through as a result of the COVID19 virus which reached our shores …
Continue readingWolfe is a new drama, with a hint of dark humour, based around crime scene investigator and professor (where does he get the time for two demanding jobs?) Wolfe (Babou Ceesay – Free Fire), and …
Continue readingThe Cleaner stars Greg Davies, whose character is called Wicky but that’s clearly irrelevant, since Greg Davies only does Greg Davies, with his typical ‘man angry with the world’ schtick as soon as it begins, …
Continue readingVigil begins with a trawler boat ending up in a pickle, catching onto something and being dragged underwater. Those on the submarine have a chance to do something about rescuing the men, with DCI Steve …
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