When Worlds Collide

Jeremy Clarke reviews

When Worlds Collide(Digitally Remastered)
Distributed by
Pioneer LDCE

  • Cat.no: PLFEB 36051
  • Cert: U
  • Running time: 79 minutes
  • Sides: 2 (CLV/CAV)
  • Year: 1951
  • Pressing: UK, 1997
  • Chapters: 17 (11/6)
  • Sound: Mono
  • Presented in fullscreen: Original Aspect Ratio (Academy 4:3)
  • Price: £19.99
  • Extras : Trailers: The War Of The Worlds, Barbarella, Star Trek First Contact


      Rudolph Mate


    Richard Derr
    Barbara Rush
    Peter Hanson

Madethe year before European-born producer George Pal’s The War Of TheWorlds, this science-fictional disaster outing stages the end of theworld by a star and orbiting planet Zyra rushing headlong towards theEarth. A handful of scientists build a Space Ark to save a chosen fewhumans via a perilous voyage to Zyra. But who will go – and who willstay behind and face annihilation?

From its opening bible with destruction quotations to match, rightthrough to its New Start For Humanity In A New World finale, this isinfused with Pal’s Christian sensibilities. The script never allows thatto get in the way of the story, however: the result is a compelling yarnthat remains unique in the annals of SF cinema.

Director Rudolph Mate was a former cameraman whose prior experienceincluded shooting Foreign Correspondent (which features one of the mostspectacular plane crashes in the movies) for Alfred Hitchcock. Togetherwith lensing 1935’s Dante’s Inferno, this stood him in good stead forpulling off the outstanding special effects work required for WhenWorlds Collide.

There are two effects highlights. One sequence (alas, about 40 minutesin and therefore impossible to put in CAV on a two sided disc) comprisesa montage of natural disasters as Zyra approaches – volcanoes erupt, thepolar ice cap melts and cities are flooded. A high angle view lookingdown on New York buildings and flooded streets between them is ahighlight. The other (on side 2 – and therefore in CAV) is the SpaceArk’s launch along a track constructed down one hillside and up anotherfollowed by interplanetary flight – a state of the art effects sequencein its day, even if parts of the voyage appear less than convincing bytoday’s standards.

Despite occasional sparkle and surface scratches, the digitalremastering works wonders and the print looks beautiful, particularlythe CAV. The side break is fine and the trailers include one for Pal’slater The War Of The Worlds. But for all that, the movie is a curiouschoice for laserdisc release unlikely to be purchased in preference toany of the three titles trailered (The War Of The Worlds, Barbarella,Star Trek First Contact). When Worlds Collide might , however, be boughtand enjoyed on the level of a B-title by buyers of any of those three.

Film: 3/5
Picture: 5/5
Sound: 5/5

Review copyright © Jeremy Clarke, 1997.Send e-mail to Jeremy Clarke

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