Get Millie Black – The DVDfever Review – Channel 4

Get Millie Black Get Millie Black has taken a while to come to UK screens, as it was broadcast on HBO last November.

It’s set in Jamaica, after Millie and her brother, Orville’s, parents split up, since the Dad buggered off, and an altercation in the house leads to Millie being sent to London, and her brother just running away.

In her present-day job – and played by Tamara Lawrance (The Silent Twins), she goes after baddies doing wrong to kids, but it’s time for a trip back to her homeland, and she’s going back to reconnect with bro, yet in a typical cop show style, ends up being on the job while she’s out there, looking for their own missing kids, as if they don’t have their own police force out there(!)

She’s tasked with finding missing girl Janet Fenton (Shernet Swearine). As a result, she clashes with Scotland Yard’s Detective Luke Holborn (Joe DempsieAdult Material), who’s investigating dodgy landlord Freddie Somerville (Peter John Thwaites).

However, this soon degenerates into a scene which is a typical case of cops wading in to a dangerous situation, rather than waiting for the pre-arranged backup that wouldn’t have been too far away. How stupid can TV writers be?!

Get Millie Black? Get off my screen. This is tedious as hell.

Oh, and you need subtitles on throughout, because of all the Jamaican patois.

Get Millie Black begins on Channel 4 on Wednesday May 5th at 9pm, and will be on All 4 after broadcast.

It’s not yet available to pre-order on Blu-ray or DVD, but when it is, it will be listed on the New DVD, Blu-ray, 3D and 4K releases UK page.

Get Millie Black – Official Trailer – HBO Max

Running time: 45-60 minutes per episode (5 episodes)
Release date: March 5th 2025
Channel: Channel 4
Format: 2.00:1

Series Directors: Tanya Hamilton, Annetta Laufer, Jean Luc Herbulot
Producers: Helen Flint, Yvonne Isimeme Ibazebo
Creator: Marlon James
Writers: Marlon James, Theresa Ikoko
Music: Carly Paradis

Millie-Jean Black: Tamara Lawrance
Luke Holborn: Joe Dempsie
Curtis: Gershwyn Eustache Jnr
Hibiscus: Chyna McQueen
Lance Stennet: Christopher Daley
Janet Fenton: Shernet Swearine
Hibiscus: Chyna McQueen
Barracat: Belinda Reid
Freddie Summerville: Peter John Thwaites
Leddick Summerville: Paul Issa
Corsica: Nestor Aaron Absera
Daniel: Jomo Dixon
Meera Thakur: Anjli Mohindra
Richie: Derrick Levy
Sister Agatha: Dorothy Cunningham
Ruth Fenton: Sherando Ferril
Mama: Shanique Brown
Young Millie: Emeka Onuora
Young Orville: Zole Onuora
