TiVo: February 2002 software update

TiVo: February 2002 software updateTiVo distributed by ThomsonDistributed by
ThomsonCoverPosted: February 14th, 2002. TiVo ANNOUNCES UPDATE OF ITS SERVICE

TiVo, the creator of and market leader in television services for digitalvideo recorders (DVRs), today announces an update to its existing service.

As part of the monthly subscription fee, the TiVo service update will beavailable at no additional charges to the consumer. The roll out of theupdate will take place via the phone line to existing customers, startingon Monday 18th February 2002. With a TiVo subscription, customers no longerhave to upgrade their hardware: all future service updates will simplyarrive in their television overnight as part of TiVo’s daily automaticupdate call.

“Our many years of experience as the pioneer of DVR technology has given usthe opportunity to listen to our customer base, over 300,000 subscribersworldwide, and incorporate their feedback into a range of improvements andadded features,” explains Ted Malone, Director, Product Marketing at TiVo.

“Our ability to automatically deliver these service enhancements to ourentire customer base while maintaining overall simplicity is what has madeTiVo the easiest-to-use DVR product in the marketplace today.”

Andrew Cresci, Vice President, TiVo UK, adds, “After just a yearin the UK, TiVo is able to offer consumers exciting new features which reinforceits leadership position in the DVR market. Users now have more control andthe world’s best search capability to tailor the service to theirindividual viewing preferences.”

Highlights of the TiVo service update include:

  • WishList?:Find and record programmes featuring your favourite actor, director, team,topic, hobby or other personal favourite. WishList can also be set toauto-record at the touch of a button.
  • Season Pass Manager:Setting up a Season Pass means TiVo will automatically record every episodeof your favourite series. To give you more control of your viewing, theSeason Pass Manager enables you to prioritise your Season Pass recordings.
  • Parental Control:The parental control feature gives parents the ability to manage theirchildren’s viewing by providing a password function to lock out specificchannels or film ratings.
  • Overtime Scheduler:To allow for any last-minute changes to the TV schedule or when sportsevents go into extra time, TiVo can be set to record up to three hoursafter the scheduled end of the programme or up to ten minutes before.

    Since its UK launch in October 2000, TiVo has remained the most advancedtelevision service for digital video recorders in the market, allowingusers to pause and rewind live television and digitally record up to 40hours of programmes at the touch of a button.

    TiVo is also the only television service currently available in the UK toboast intelligent functionality that provides viewers the opportunity toteach the service their viewing preferences and recording habits. TiVo willthen automatically suggest or digitally record programmes that fit consumerviewing preferences.

    A couple enjoying their TiVo, yesterday.


    The best gets better with this update due to be released on Monday February18th, 2002, adding a number of features and improving on existing ones:

    As you hopefully will know, TiVo has just received its first of manyservice updates – free updates that are downloaded automatically via thephone line, meaning that TiVo now has even more unique and exciting features!


    • View Recording History: This feature helps you understand why aprogramme won’t be recorded in the future, or why a scheduled recordingdidn’t go ahead. You can also find out why a programme was deleted – eitherautomatically by TiVo or by you!
    • View Upcoming Episodes: Any time you highlight the title of anunrecorded programme, you can display a list of upcoming episodes on allchannels and determine which of these will be recorded.
    • More Control when recording from Live TV: press RECORD partwaythrough a programme, and you will be able to capture the stored portion aspart of the recording.
    • Enhanced Save to VCR: Improved on-screen instructions forarchiving programmes to video tape.
    • Save Disk Space: The TiVo Service can now save disk space forhigher quality recordings.
    • Channel Banner Short Cuts: allow you to short cut to recordingoptions, Parental control and TiVo Messages.
    • Customising the TiVo Live Guide: The TiVo Live Guide now hasoptions that let you change quickly the programmes and channels the guidedisplays, or skip ahead to another date or time.

    The new Season Pass Manager


    • Search Using WishLists: lets you search for programmes by yourfavourite actor/actress or director, programme title, or even by keyword.You can even automatically record programmes based on WishList criteria.
    • Season Pass Manager: The Season Pass allows you to record everyepisode of your favourite series. Potential clashes between programmes bookedas Season Passes will be avoided by the Season Pass Manager which allows youto set or change your recording priorities.
    • Overtime Scheduler: To capture sports events which go into extratime, or allow for any last-minute changes to the TV schedule, TiVo can beset to record up to ten minutes before the scheduled start time and up tothree hours after the scheduled end of the programme.
    • Parental Controls: gives parents a tool to help manage theirchildren’s viewing by providing a password function to lock out specificchannels or film ratings.

    The new Wishlist feature.

    TheTiVo review isonline now and will be updated shortly after the release of this update.

    News page content input by Dominic Robinson, 2002.

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