Dom Robinson reviews
20th Century Fox
- 08963 DVD
- Cert: 15
- Running time: 104 minutes
- Year: 1995
- Pressing: 2000
- Region(s): 2, PAL
- Chapters: 22 plus extras
- Sound: Dolby Digital 5.1, Dolby Surround
- Languages: English
- Subtitles: 11 languages available
- Widescreen: 2.35:1 (Super 35)
- 16:9-Enhanced: Yes
- Macrovision: Yes
- Disc Format: DVD 9
- Price: £19.99
- Extras : Scene index, Theatrical trailer

- John Woo (A Better Tomorrow, Blackjack, Broken Arrow, Bullet in the Head, City on Fire, Face/Off, Hand of Death, Hard Target, Heroes Shed No Tears, Just Heroes, The Killer, Once A Thief, Rich And Famous, Violent Tradition)
- Mark Gordon, Bill Badalato, Terence Chang
- Graham Yost (Speed)
- Hans Zimmer
- Vic Deakins: John Travolta (Broken Arrow, Carrie, A Civil Action, Face/Off, The General’s Daughter, Get Shorty, Grease, Look Who’s Talking Trilogy, Mad City, Michael, Phenomenon, Primary Colors, Pulp Fiction, Saturday Night Fever,She’s So Lovely, Shout, White Man’s Burden)
Riley Hale: Christian Slater (Bed of Roses, Broken Arrow, Gleaming The Cube, Hard Rain, Heathers, Interview with the Vampire, Kuffs, Mobsters, Murder in the First, The Name of the Rose, Pump Up The Volume,Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, True Romance, Untamed Heart, Very Bad Things)
Terry Carmichael: Samantha Mathis (Broken Arrow, Jack And Sarah, Little Women (1994), The Music of Chance, Pump up the Volume, The Thing Called Love)
Colonel Max Wilkins: Delroy Lindo (Broken Arrow, Clockers, Feeling Minnesota, The Hard Way, Malcolm X, Ransom)
Giles Prentice: Frank Whaley (Born on the Fourth of July, Broken Arrow, The Doors, Pulp Fiction, Retroactive, Swimming With Sharks)
Pritchett: Bob Gunton (Ace Ventura 2, Broken Arrow, The Glimmer Man, In Pursuit of Honour, Patch Adams, The Shawshank Redemption, TV: Sinatra)
Kelly: Howie Long (Broken Arrow, Dollar for the Dead, Firestorm)
Lt. Colonel Sam Rhodes: Vondie Curtis-Hall (Die Hard 2, Eve’s Bayou, Passion Fish, TV: Chicago Hope)
Secretary of Defence, Baird: Kurtwood Smith (Broken Arrow, The Crush, Fortress, Robocop, Shelter)
Broken Arrowis a high-octane action film from John Woo, best knownas the director of many Hong Kong classics such as The Killer and Cityon Fire, and Graham Yost, the writer of 1994’s smash-hit Speed.
The plot is simple. Co-pilots Vic Deakins (John Travolta) and RileyHale (Christian Slater) are on a top-secret mission to deliver nuclearwarheads from A to B. However, after years of flying together, Deakins hastaken a turn for the worse and wants them for himself as he can sell them tothe highest bidder, holding America to ransom in the meantime.
After overpowering Hale, ejecting said co-pilot from the Stealth Bomber, dumpingthe nukes, and then bailing out himself, blaming Hale in a message to base,the chase is on as Hale, accompanied by park ranger, Terry Carmichael (playedby the babelicious Samantha Mathis) go after Deakins in a cat-and-mousehunt to the death.
After years in the wilderness, John Travolta came back to the fore in QuentinTaranino’s Pulp Fiction, and since then his halo has been allowed toshine with leading roles in Get Shorty and Phenomenon. He comesacross superbly in this bad-guy role, taking no crap from Slater, and afterany number of set-backs in winning the race, he always comes back for more.
Christian Slater is one of my favourite comedy actors, serving well in thelikes of Heathers (co-starring with Winona Ryder), the little-knownbut excellent comedy Kuffs, and 1990’s Pump Up The Volume inwhich he dated Samantha Mathis, hence Broken Arrow reunitesthem.
Support comes from the likes of Delroy Lindo, a black actor who tendsto play the embittered boss, this time for Travolta and Slater, and previouslyin 1991’s The Hard Way when he kicked James Woods into touch. FrankWhaley is a government agent who, on discovering that a Broken Arrow is aterm relating to stolen nuclear missiles, has one of the best lines in the film,“I don’t know what’s worse. The fact that nuclear missiles have been stolen…or that it happens so often there’s a term for it(!)”. Last but not least,Bob Gunton is the man who has paid Travolta to bring him the nukes,and was previously seen in 1994’s The Shawshank Redemption as the embitteredprison warden trying to kick Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman into touch.
While Fox have done the business as far as providing us with a widescreenanamorphic transfer in its original 2.35:1 ratio, can they explain why ithas so much grain? (I’m a poet and I don’t know it!)
Other than that, the average bitrate is a good 6.31Mb/s, often hovering around7Mb/s.
The sound quality is perfect though. Let John Woo loose with a Hollywoodbudget, several explosions, fight scenes, shoot-outs, etc. all faithfullyreplicated here and you have an aural reason to be cheerful.
Extras : Chapters and Trailer :There are 22 chapters during the 104-minute film which is fine and the discis coupled with a very good trailer which summarises the film well. Languages and Subtitles :There’s just one language on this disc – English, but it is available in DolbyDigital 5.1. Subtitles come in 13 flavours: Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish,Portuguese, Hebrew, Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Icelandicand English for the hearing impaired. Menu :The main menu is animated and scored and looks, at first, very good indeed.Clicking on an option sends a Stealth Bomber plane smashing through thepicture of Travolta and Slater before revealing further options. However, itdoes this in a very jittery way indeed for no apparent reason and it takesthe shine off it. The other menus are static and silent though.
I loved this film in the cinema and enjoyed it once again on DVD. However,while the picture quality does leave a lot to be desired, I don’t know ifthe Region 1 DVD fares any better. It doesn’t for extras as it doesn’thave anything to add to what’s on show here.
A review of the widescreen video can be foundhere.

Reviewer of movies, videogames and music since 1994. Aortic valve operation survivor from the same year. Running since 2000. Nobel Peace Prize winner 2021.