Last night Cameron won BB4, unfortunately, but then there wasn’t really anyone of the four I thought was worthy.
At 8.30pm Jon was called to the diary room and then told he would be leaving.The others saw him on the plasma screen but it didn’t seem like they couldhear what was being said, so there was no reaction to the fact he just left.Perhaps they’d been todl earlier?
First out the door was Steph. Out of the four, she only received 7% and aftereach vote closure the lines were re-opened. Scott came third with 26.7% out of thefinal three – to be shown a bland set of ‘best bits’ because he didn’t have any,then when it came to the final the votes were split 57.5% to 42.5%.
So, what next for the housemates? The only one I want to see on TV again isJon, but we’re bound to also see Cameron on programmes such as Songs of Praiseand The Heaven & Earth Show. Time will tell.P>All of the main four interviews were pretty bland as well, just like all of theother housemates except Jon. Was this the best they could select out of thousandsof applications? Even late entry Lisa was better than most and she said shewould get her baps out after two beers but only did once and then just coveredthem up immediately.
On Sunday at 9pm on Channel 4 is a highlights show of the past week’s eventswith “unseen footage” but before that at 7pm on E4 (8pm on E4+1, 11.15pm on C4)is a final “Big Brother’s Little Brother” where all the housemates arereunited again and awards are handed out for the best moments in the house.
For those wanting more new BB, the USA show is being shown ‘live’ (well, 24 hoursdelayed) on E4 from 4pm today.
July 19th :
Last night Nush was evicted with 66.87% of the vote.
Her interview went by without much of interest until the end when asked ifshe fancied Scott. A subdued “No” was the answer.
So, all there is left to happen now is the vote for the winner and all you’releft to choose between is Cameron, Steph, Ray and Scott. I don’t want any ofthem to win as they’re such a dull bunch.
Cameron’s evil, Steph has no personality, Ray’s a loudmouth drunk and Scottwill win only because he doesn’t get on anyone’s nerves. However, when it comesto showing his ‘best bits’ what exactly will they show?
July 16th :

With Lisa having been evicted last Friday and Jon returninghalf-an-hour later, there were still 6 in the house. Jon is exempt fromnominations and nominating for this week, the final week of nominations.
Nush’s odds of staying are 1/8, while Cameron’s are a better 9/2.
You can evict Cameron by phoning 09011 214402 or by textingVOTE CAMERON to 85444.
The reasons are as follows:
- Nush – It’s based on one incident, on eviction night whenLisa left and people were listening at the door. Nush said “I don’t likehearing boos” and I know I reacted by saying get away from it then (BB: canyou explain further?) What’s the point of subjecting yourself to somethingyou don’t enjoy and going on about it? I’d rather subject myself to it andshut up, or get myself away from the source of pain/annoyance and thus stopmentioning it.
- Ray – He’s been throwing questions at Jon, not genuinely totrick him, but about the outside world, and today I sensed Jon getting annoyedand it wasn’t fair of Ray to keep on with it. (BB: explain further how thathas had an impact on you) If people keep doing a certain thing you don’t like,every subsequent time it happens you think “Ssh! Man!” (BB: any other reasons?)It’s a far more difficult reason for Ray this week than other weeks.I don’t know what else to say. I have been full and frank and valid.
- Steph – Sometimes there are things about us both that get inthe way of our friendship. She might find it hard being quite a girly girl,and when I think we’re getting on better she might say something I find catchesme off guard sometimes (BB: examples?) She said she didn’t mean it exactly, butsaid I use my sexuality to get what I want and I find that not a nice thingto say to someone. I know she said she didn’t mean it that way, but how canyou take that in a positive way? And I was a bit offended.
- Cameron – He worried too much about letting go. It’s benice to see him get tipsy and risk more in the weekly task. I don’t understandwhat he’s worried about, she said making an arse of herself whenever she’sdrunk. Do you know what I mean? You only live once and it’s a shame to feelthat someone’s holding back. Be naughty sometimes. It’s not always… or maybeit is about being well behaved.
- Nush – I think on Friday when Jon came along, it was greatto see him, but it was typical of her, when having a conversation with Jon,she would more enough jump in and interrupt the story and try to give adifferent story to do with her.
- Cameron – No major reason, but because again like lastweek, out of any of the housemates left he’s had that more extra with theBB experience with going to South Africa (BB: any other reasons?) He haschosen myself and Nush this week. He’s very close to Steph and I don’t thinkhe’ll nominate Scott because he reminds him of his brother.
- Steph – When in the group she seems to be one of the “parents”and it’d be good for the group to lose one of them this week so we can seewhat fun ensues in the final week. She’s not the most troublesome but the moststubborn in the house, such as when we were betting for the weekly task. Wewanted 100% but she said 80% and that should be it. She’s also the mostcutting person in the house, not deliberately, but says comments that arenot thought out, bit mean sometimes, not to me but within the house.
- Cameron – He’s still holding back a lot, such as last weekwith reference to a departed housemate. Everyone was guilty, but him morethan others and wouldn’t let up and that was disappointing to see for someonewho’d been seen as a really nice guy. He was also incredulous how peoplecould say they were sad to see Lisa go on Friday after she’d left. No-onehad his strong opinions, so he turned on members of the group, still beingscathing which I thought was unnecessary.
- Scott – I still cannot properly make him out. He says thingsthat he thinks you want to hear (BB: explain more) He always says your initialemotion, eg. on eviction night, is always sadness then relief that it’s notyou, but I don’t believe him (BB: any other reasons?) No… Yes. I don’t knowif I have. Oh, you buggers! (“buggers” was bleeped) Yesterday I was in thegarden and Nush and Scott were havin a conversatoin which I believe was inregard to choosing people in the reward room. As trivial as this might sound,as I came over, Scott started to talk as if it was for my benefit and I thoughtthere was no need for that, just say it as it is. (obvious rant about who wouldpick who) Is that good enough?
- Nush – When Jon arrived on Friday evening, we were alltalking about what had been going on while he’d been away, and when we cameto Cameron in South Africa, she said some rather rude things like “We’ve heardit all before”, etc. It’s clear that she didn’t like that fact that he hadthis interesting story to say and she wasn’t the centre of attention.
Cameron and Nush have 3 nominations each. Steph has 2, Ray and Scotthave one each.
July 12th :
Last night Lisa was evicted with a massive 82.25% of the vote, followedby Steph on 12.16% and Cameron on 5.59%.
Lisa seemed to take it all in her stride, so perhaps she’s saving the bigguns for a magazine interview as they always seem to do. She didn’t flinchwhen being told about being a “geezerbird” because she’d told all about thisto the housemates before, although apparently jokingly.
Following the interview, the result of a vote was given to let a housemateback IN. They’re not allowed to win, but are just going back in to make thingsmore interesting. The only ones not up for the vote were Anouska, who’s in theAustralia house, and Tania because she wasn’t there and didn’t want to go backin.
The one who went back in was Jon with 62% of the public vote (I votedfor both him and Lisa, and this is the first time I’ve ever placed a votein BB history). Lisa came second in this vote, although no figures beyondJon’s were released.
Jon cannot nominate or be nominated, and has gone back in vowing to stir thingsup and have serious chats with Cameron now he knows what he’s really like.He just waltzed back down the stairs and into the house in a suit and tie andtold the housemates that he can’t tell them why he’s in there or how he gotback in and will be playing his cards very closely to his chest. Fantastic!
Looks like BB4 finally got interesting again.
July 9th :

With Gos having been evicted last Saturday,there were just 6 left. On Sunday a task was held to decide who would be thehead of the household for the coming week. Courtesy of some battery-operatedtoys, Ray won and was exempt from nomination for the next week.
However, the double-edged sword meant that he had to do the nominating forthree people…
Lisa cannot go this week because I sorely want Cameron, the evil one, to beevicted for his crimes against humanity when, on the night before Jon’s eviction,he said he wanted to “urinate in Jon’s shower gel, defecate in his shoesand hold him by the throat while punching his eyes into the back of his head”.
You can evict Cameron by phoning 09011 214402 or by textingVOTE CAMERON to 85444.
The reasons are as follows:
- Cameron – He’s been exempt for two weeks and the honeymoonis over and it’s about time he became part of the nomination game again, andout of anyone who left he’s had the extra in the BB experience by going to Africa.Also, if he did go I don’t think he’d be sad about it.
- Lisa – Where to start? Yesterday when I was told about this,I got slightly upset over it and everyone said they wouldn’t take it personally,but about nominating Lisa, she said “Give me a break. I’ve only been here aweek.” and I was really wound-up like that.
Also, she tends to give herself too much praise for saying that she’s too honestor that she’s lived this “hard life” and for me, a hard life is a single mumbringing up kids living on welfare, and Lisa’s hard life is going out withmulti-millionaire friends with £800 restaurant bills, drinking the bestwine and champagne. Give me a break. If that’s the hard life then mine, whichI thought was alright, must be the biggest load of crap. She was just lookingfor the sympathy vote.
- Steph – The only reason I can give, was that on Saturdaywhen Gos went, Nush went over to her for a hug and she turned round to Nushand said she didn’t want Gos to go, implying that she’d rather me or Nushwent. She also reinforced this in the pub later the next day. I thought thatyou don’t say that to someone who’s up for the first time. You should say”Well done”.
July 6th :
Last night Gos was evicted with 46.3% of the vote. Figures weren’tgiven for Nush and Ray, yet a RI:SE poll indicated that Ray had a clearlead over the other two, and the C4 website poll shows he’s the most popularto visitors.
It was a fairly laidback interview from Gos, and surprisingly, despite thebomb scare the night before, there was no crowd to greet him. Davina said theycouldn’t keep them all there for 24 hours, but surely there’d be enough peopleto be able to turn up? Or maybe Channel 4 couldn’t be bothered. Either way,she said BBLB would make up for it during the week.
She also said that the task would take place Sunday night, and that the winnerwill become leader of the house and gets to pick which three housemates are upfor eviction. I hope Lisa wins and picks Ray, Scott and Cameron. If Lisa wasup for the vote she’d be chucked out, and Ray and Scott are too popular. I’mnot a fan of Lisa, but I’d do anything to have that smile wiped off evilCameron’s face!
July 5th :
There’s one more night for someone…
Last night a bomb scare put paid to the usual eviction night process, in whatsome might see as a cynical attempt to boost ratings and get people talkingabout BB4 again.
The 8.30pm and 10pm shows were replaced with repeats of the old C4 stalwartFriends while Graham Norton‘s pre-recorded show, which usuallybegins with comments on who’s been evicted that night – three openings beingrecorded separately depending on the outcome – was badly edited to leave suchtraces of comments out and just make mention of Ladyboy Lisa instead.
The eviction will take place tonight in two shows at 9pm and 10pm, but at thetime of typing this it’s not yet known whether the task will happen on thesame night or Sunday. I reckon it’ll be moved to Sunday as they’ve moved theirevening film, The Quick and the Dead, to 10.30pm.
So, tonight three housemates are up for eviction, but who’s going out thisweek?
July 1st :

With Tania having been evicted last Friday,and Cameron and new man-girl Lisa being unable to be nominated, it meansthere’s a lack of personalities up for eviction this week. Don’t vote Nushout – she’s the only eye-candy in there.
The reasons are as follows:
- Nush – In real life, something that annoys me is when peoplehave had too much to drink and they labour a point too much, repeating themselves.Since coming back from Africa, there’s been alcohol in the house and I’veexperienced that annoyance from Nush. Last night, while talking about thebullying subject, every time it was closed, it was opened back up again byusing the same line.
- Ray – In real life, I’m a stickler for the rules and Ray’sflouted numerous rules, and because I try hard not to do it, it annoys me whensomeone doesn’t try not to break them.
- Ray – He’s finding it more difficult to be in here. That’swhy he’s breaking the rules, which is frustrating because you know what therules are. When you explain this to him, it doesn’t sink in. He’s not a child,he’s an adult. He still carried on, “Whatever, man”.
- Nush – She always seems to cut in the middle of a conversationand focuses it on herself. When someone’s talking you should always listen.(BB: Provide an example?) In general (and generalises about it)
- Steph – I don’t think we’ve bonded massively, because of ourcreative tension (BB: Elaborate) It feels like an air of competitiveness. Shewants to do one better. I’m quite independent and not used to being told whatto do. The stupidest example I can give: Steph was making sausage sandwiches,I wanted to put some mustard on it (mimicks Steph putting her hands up to stopNush) I can’t do my own sandwich, sort of.
- Gos – We’ll be talking as a group about things and he won’tgive an opinion, he’ll just sit. That’s cool, but sometimes I would like to hearwhat his opinion is, and he’s of the opinion that “don’t say anything at allin case…” I don’t know why. He’s oversensitive. You just want him to join in.You’ve told me off for not giving good reasons, so I’m trying to be meaty and(clenches fists) GRRR!
- Nush – We were all asking each other questions last night,trying to get to know more about Lisa, but most of the night Nush would jumpin and “me, me, me” and it was starting to annoy me. When there was just me,her and Scott, I was trying to get his opinion on things, she would keepjumping in.
- Gos – For the last week-and-a-half he’s been off with everyone.He misses home and Stacey and yesterday when it was her birthday, I could seethe pain in his face. For the first couple of weeks he was chatty and outgoing.If I go and talk to him he’ll put me down spirits-wise.
- Gos – He has withdrawn himself from the group. He’s not moody,but is melancholy, doesn’t seem to be enjoying himself and looks like he wantsto leave. He doesn’t seem to have as much fun anymore. This makes it harderto talk to him and have a laugh with him. This may then rub off on otherhousemates.
- Steph – There’s only 2/4 people I can choose. Everythingis a little forced between us. We get on because we have to get on. Maybe I’mreading too much into it, but often she’ll speak over me in a discussionand stop me from making a point, and say I don’t make any opinions or argumentseven though there are others so it was me that she picked on.
- Ray – I think that he torments the chickens which bothersme for no reason and he has no respect for them.
- Nush – On Saturday evening, when Lisa came, we were all satround and had been chatting for ages and she said “Nobody’s talking to me”and obviously wanted the limelight on her, and that was an insensitive thingto say.
Gos and Ray have 3 nominations each. Nush has 4.Scott escaped unscathed this week.
June 29th :
There’s a new housemate, Lisa, aged 35.Apparently a woman from Wales, but look at that 5 O’clock shadow!There’s something not quite right about her. Is she the rumoured transexual?She loves history, Eastenders and has a tattoo on an “interesting part of herbody”.
June 28th :
Last night Tania was evicted with 72.02% of the vote, the runners-upbeing Nush on 14.66% and Steph on 13.32%.
Tania said she never intended to win and offered the following pearl ofwisdom on her time in the house:
“I’ve learned a lot about myself but things I already knew.”
It’s rumoured that a ‘hot sexy girl’ will be entering the house as early asthis weekend to sex up the house.
June 25th :

With Jon and Federico having been evicted last Friday, thusridding the house of its two main personalities, and evil Cameron havingbeen sent to Africa for the week (which gets him out of being nominated for twoweeks for some reason) – and yes, he is evil. Last Thursday he said he wantedto put urine in Jon’s shower gel, deficate in his shoes and hold him by thethroat and punch his eyes into the back of his head – all of which C4 edited outof the summary because they want to portray Cameron as a loveable bloke,we’re left with less people in there.
However, Cameron’s temporary replacement is BB Africa housemate Gaetano,from Uganda, who has an eye for the ladies but has clearly sussed Taniaout already by calling her a pig.
Anyway, onto the nominations and this week it’s: Nush, Steph andTania up for eviction. I missed the 7pm nominations programme on E4and most of the reasons shown on Channel 4 at 10pm last night were eitherpathetic or simply not shown.
The reasons are as follows:
- Ray – Sometimes he gets a bit angry, quickly, such as whenwe fail the tasks he can erupt.
- Nush – Reason… I don’t know why I chose Nush. It’s verydifficult, Big Brother, you know.
- Gos – When he’s cooking, he won’t let me pick at the food.(BB: The nominations may lead to the housemate being evicted. Is this theonly reason for this nomination?) Maybe I don’t want it to be Gos then.(BB: Explain further) It hasn’t really, when you put it like that and it soundslike crap. He does the most amazingly stinky farts and he farts continuously.
- Steph – She’s so busy, sometimes she leaves nothing leftto be done, and sometimes doing things is fun.
- Tania – reason not shown on Channel 4
- Steph – reason not shown on Channel 4
- Steph – reason not shown on Channel 4
- Tania – reason not shown on Channel 4
- Ray – reason not shown on Channel 4
- Nush – reason not shown on Channel 4
- Gos – Sometimes I find he can take certain things tooemotionally (BB: Have you thought clearly about who you would like to nominatethis week?) Not really. I really don’t know.
- Scott – Sometimes I feel he wants to put across his opinionbut he doesn’t, so he doesn’t side with anyone. That is another, sorry to say,shit excuse, and I know that, but these people haven’t affected me.
I don’t have anyone to nominate. Will you be able to make a decision for me?(BB: The rules state you have to nominate two people each week)
Gaetano (giving Cameron’s nominations by proxy):
- Tania – Whenever there’s alcohol she ends up spilling it,she gets drunk very quickly and it frustrates other housemates.
- Nush – I think the likelyhood is that she will be the firstperson to be bored out of the group that’s left. (Gaetano: So you think shewill bore herself to death?) I wouldn’t go as far as that but that’s the mainthrust.
Nush, Steph and Tania have 3 nominations each.No-one escaped unscathed this week.

Last night Federico was the first to leave the house at 10pm with40.1% of the vote at the time of his eviction, although the public were stillable to vote for Cameron and Jon afterwards.
Upon his eviction, Fed said of Tania that she’s like her nails, “repulsive,fake and plastic”, and deftly put airhead Davina in her place over thesize of his “winkle” by not playing along and taking the piss as she babbled.
Jon then left the house at 11.15pm with 37% of the vote, leaving Cameronwith a mere 22.9%. Cameron’s such a boring bible-bashing tosser. What do peoplesee in that Orkney pillock?
Jon was told how his dream of an ideal toaster will come true, but it’sa shame he’s been evicted as he should’ve won. The house will be a lot worseoff without him.
The rumours are that a new housemate will be joining the house shortly.Davina said to watch BBLB on Monday evening at 6pm, so that’s when it’ll be.
June 18th :

Last Friday, Sissy the ginger whinger left the house,while this Friday it’s a choice between Federico, Jon and Cameron.Jon will remain for sure!
The reasons are as follows:
- Cameron:
- Jon – I don’t think everything that goes wrongin the house is a design fault that’s necessarily blameable on BB. It’s chieflythe criticism aspect that’s bugging me. I don’t go big on negativity.
- Federico (He usually gives a high %age bet to the food budget,yet he doesn’t put in the equivalent %age effort on the task. If you bet 85%then give 85% or more effort. This week he wanted 100%, yet he doesn’t give100%
- Tania – Because of Saturday night in thereward room and the dampener she put on the fare. It’s the way she reactsto innocent comments, such as between me and Ray, and she’d pretend to beoffended at things that made no sense.
- Cameron – It’s hard to relate to him. Sometimes he can seem quitefatherly and I don’t think we need that (BB: You need to give more reasonsthan that) I don’t have anything more to say. He’s prudish as well.
- Federico – Some of the comments he came out withabout not trusting women – I didn’t agree with. That’s all I can really thinkabout saying. It was out of order what he said.
- Scott – When we lose a task he analyses it too much (BB: You mustgive a full and frank reason) He goes on about what we did wrong and whatwe could’ve done. It can be a bit annoying.
- Federico – He’s stated openly and honestly thatit doesn’t matter to him whether he stays or goes and he wants to equal myrecord of three nominations and no eviction, so let’s give the man a chance! Let’snominate him this week. Have we talked before? When there’s a silence I’m doneso you can go next (BB: Please explain your reason further) Fed is confrontationalwith his conversational style and it gets people’s backs up and it impacts onthe household more than anything else.
- Ray – He teases some members of the household, including Tania.It’s an indelicate balance. You can’t push teasing too far before it becomeshurtful. I had to stop him chucking her under the shower late on Saturday nightand that was maybe a step too far. That’s not the kind of thing I wanted tohappen.
- Federico – Whenever I go into the toilet afterhim, he leaves a really frothy dark pee and never flushes and leaves the seatup and sprinkles (BB: Give a full reason) That is it. There’s nothing toelaborate on. I also tread on his pee.
- Jon – We don’t sit and talk together very often and I talk moreto anyone else (BB: Any other reasons) No, and maybe I shouldn’t have pickedhim. He’s been picked enough as it is and I’ve just done it again. I don’teven want to pick him. Can I not pick him? (BB: Who you nominate is up to you).You won’t let me do the cooking one will you? He does no cooking, ever.(BB: Elaborate on the reasons) On the cooking? Ok. Because he’s very particularabout what he likes to eat and he enjoys his food and if you dish him up chickpeas he turns his nose up a bit and it’s like – if you don’t like it, cook ityourself. There you go.
- Jon – We all know he’s an intelligent lad, butwhen some girls at trying to get their point across and he doesn’t agree withit, he’ll shout them down and totally disagree with them, and they’ll look athim as if kind of give us a break.
- Cameron – On Weds when we had the Chinese and afterwards we playedSpin the Bottle, and some of the games in which we were just having a laugh helooked as if to disapprove and think it childish but we were just having alaugh.
- Jon – We haven’t connected, we don’t have alaugh. He is also likely to cause arguments/disagreements more than anyone.This may in future weeks leads to more disagreements we don’t need.
- Cameron – Once he had a point of view about the bell taskand how we should be practising that he shared with Jon and he wouldn’t backhim up in front of the group. It’s not out of cowardice, but I don’t think hewanted to upset the group or show that he had a different point of view to theothers.
- Federico – When we got the new task, he pulled a facialexpression when we wanted to go with an average %age as he wanted to bet 100%
- Ray – His fiery nature such as when we lost the cub scouttask and he wanted to find out who was at fault. It’s not very fair on the restof us.
- Cameron – I’m more comfortable having a conversation withother housemates… oh my god I sound like such a bitch. I don’t know why. Maybewe have nothing in common. (BB: You’ve picked him out of the rest. Why?)Because I’m stuck with the nomination process today. I find I have more funwith the other housemates. (BB: Give full and frank reasons) I only get involvedwith him when we play a game in the house or we’re in the reward room. I don’tever speak to him at other times (BB: You must have a reason) That is myreason. I can’t tell you anything else. I’m sorry)
- Jon – Sometimes when we do tasks, he’s too authoritative andoverpowering.
Federico and Jon have 5 nominations while Cameron has 4.Gos, Nush, Scott and Steph had none.
June 14th :
Sissy was evicted last night with a massive 45% of the vote, whileFederico got 38% and Jon was on 17%.
Although it was a close race I’m glad the Scouse pasty-faced ginger whingergot the boot. She was shocked to see that Tania nominated her after being sopally chatting away late on Wednesday night.
Channel 4 interestingly blanked out a conversation when the two girls chattedabout last year’s “Big Brother Uncut” video, Sissy stating “I was expectingpeople in the shower, but it wasn’t much different than we saw on TV. In fact,it was rubbish. Not worth it at all”…. and then the sound dipped!
June 11th :

Last Friday, Justine and her J-Lo-sized butt exited from the house,while this Friday it’s a choice between Federico, Jon and Sissy.Sissy, you are so gone!
The reasons are as follows:
- Cameron: Jon (Whatever topic comes up, rather than get onand follow the rules and do as we’re told, he always has something to say ora complaint to make, or a way to get one over on Big Brother, rather than justknuckle down and get on with it) andFederico (he doesn’t take the tasks seriously enough. I don’tthink he was focused enough on last week’s task, although I don’t know if hecaused us to fail)

Federico: Cameron (he’s a very moral person butcan be quite prudish and come over a little fatherly or feel he has a right totell you to stop saying something. He also reads the bible out to the restof the guys. Maybe it’s a bit naive to do that sort of thing) andSteph (from a personal point of view, I relate to her the leastand have talked to her the least. Last week, she referred to me with a namewhen he had an argument/debate and she resorted to name calling)
Gos: Federico (He seems to be misbehaving too much,sleeps too much, jumping in the pool when drunk, going too wild in the partyroom – chucking things around, then again that’s not really misbehaving, justhaving a good time) andSissy (She finds it as difficult as me to deal with Fridays,sometimes you just wanna not do this bit of the BB experience, so if she wasnot here she wouldn’t have to do it… Not a very good reason is it? Can wevote for ourselves?)
Jon: Sissy (she’s a vegetarian and she doesn’t eatmeat or fish, eggs, pasta or Quorn or a certain type of vegetarian sausage.We spend money out of the shopping budget to enable her to eat and if we didn’tdo that we’d have money for alcohol. It’s rubbish and that’s the reason you’regetting. I could also say she’s ginger, she’s from Liverpool, she’s gotfreckles, her bubbly infectious personality is beginning to annoy me but noneof those would be true) andNush (a couple of times this week I’ve lost my rag, one of themhas been with the discussion about rationing food and the other about usingrhythm in order to learn this week’s task. In both those instances, Nush sharedmy point of view but wasn’t openly supportive. It’s not overly-constructive forthe group to hide your feelings and doesn’t enable us to progress as a groupas much as I’d like)
Nush: Jon (he hasn’t done any cooking (BB: not acceptable)Sometimes he has a good point ot make but he doesn’t make it in the best way,like say you’ve got an idea and you could say ‘let’s try it and I think it’sgoing to work’ but it might come out as ‘If you try it my way, I’ll show youI’m right and you’re wrong’) andFederico (He hasn’t done any cleaning…. Can I go now? (BB: you mustgive an honest reason). I think he could be the phantom piddler on the seat.(BB: any other reasons?) No, and I don’t know even if he does pee on theseat)
Ray: Jon (He’s taking some things too seriously, suchas the task yesterday and he lost his head at everyone when we didn’t getthe sequence right) andCameron (I still don’t believe he’s being himself. In the rewardroom everyone was enjoying themselves and he was telling them to stop beingrude, or in other words to stop enjoying themselves)
Scott: Steph (I still don’t feel I’ve got to know her.I’m not saying she’s living within herself or shielding herself but I don’tfeel there’s a connection between us (BB: any other reasons?) If I was on theoutside world, I wouldn’t have been friends with Steph) andJon (although he’s been right in his approach to how things needto be done with the task, his way has been wrong. He speaks to them as if theywork for him and that’s not the right way to do things in this house)
Sissy: Scott (Sometimes he can come across as bossy,such as when we had two bottles of cider and he decided to ration them tonomination and eviction day, but the person nominated really wanted to have thelast night with the two bottles and he didn’t ask the girls how we felt about it) andFederico (He’s a in a clique with Scott and Ray, but it’s oneI can’t penetrate)
Steph: Jon (I feel he sometimes underestimates yourown intelligence. He always wants to take charge and I feel he thinks only hisway will ever work. He’s too quick to say “I told you so”) andSissy (on Saturday night after the task, she was acting allsorry for herself. Ray has never been in the treat room and I thought ‘You winsome and you lose some’ and she could’ve taken it in a more adult way)
Tania: Jon (Everyone should be heard, but he’s heardtoo often and feels everything should be done his way) andSissy (It’s always other people that are wrong other than… oh,my god that’s just so bad. So, Jon and Sissy, is that enough? (BB: Please givean example) Sissy’s behaviour, the way she was, the aura around her the pasttwo days because another housemate said something and she took it the wrongway and gave the whole group an atmosphere)
Jon has 6 nominations and both Federico and Sissy had 4.Gos, Ray and Tania had none.
June 7th :
Justine was shown the door last night after eating the housematesout of house and home, or “consuming rather a lot” as Jon put it. She wasshell-shocked when shown the amount of support that Jon had from The Sunand various media outlets (while all she had was a Jewish newsletter).
The sound of booing was as deafening as she left the house – the same asAdele received last year, but what had Justine done to deserve that bycomparison?
The %age split was Jon on 43% and Justine on 57%.
June 4th :

Last Friday, Anouska and her ‘banana boobs’ exited from the house,while this Friday it’s a choice between Jon and Justine.
They should keep Jon in for entertainment value as he’s very weird, yetJustine’s the one with massive baps and an arse that only J-Lo could pine for.
The reasons are as follows:
- Cameron: Jon (I’m in here to have a good time and I’mgetting fed up of how he is criticising the whole experience) andTania (if she got bored she might get moody, catty, unpleasant to be around)
Federico: Justine (the other night we were having apassing conversation about Jon and she said to me she could block him out andhe seemed a bit strange and I thought that was quite judgemental) andTania (she checks herself before she says things, or I’ll talkabout subjects and she’ll dismiss it and get back to what she wants to talk about)
Gos: Justine (maybe it’s because she hasn’t done her bitin the house or pulled her weight – cooking, washing up, etc) andJon (he can be annoying when he’s slagging off Big Brother andhe’s doesn’t seem to be enjoying the experience and always has something tomoan about)
Jon: Justine (she consumes a lot. Yesterday it was thestraw that broke the camel’s back when we were doing sausage sandwiches, I wasputting a thin scraping of tomato sauce on everyone’s sandwich and she was giventhe bottle and managed to use half of it. The house would be better off withouther here as we’d have more to eat and drink) andFederico (I didn’t want to vote for him so it wouldn’t be thoughtof about the task’s failure, but I find it hard to see what he contributes tothe house)
Justine: Jon (I can’t talk to him, look at him, hearhis voice. He’s just creeping me out) andRay (I’ve tried to get to know him better but it’s not happening)
Nush: Ray (I don’t think I’ve seen him cook in thekitchen. He is not the culinary wizard, so he must be destroyed!) andJon (I don’t think I’ve seen him cook either)
Ray: Jon (he sometimes takes the whole process tooseriously, goes into the diary room too often) andJustine (I can have more of a laugh with the other girls)
Scott: Steph (we don’t connect particularly well orhave much in common. We haven’t got much of a laugh going on and I thinkthe feeling’s mutual) andJon (we’re not on the same level, with moments of uncomfortablesilences together which I don’t have with anyone else)
Sissy: Ray (he’s not one of the person in this housewho makes me laugh personally in a conversation. He doesn’t brighten my dayby speaking to me) andScott (pretty much for the same reason. Scott, Ray and Fed arein a clique. You have to penetrate that to speak to them and even then they’rejust speaking to each other. It’s very rare that you have a conversationwith one as where one is the other ones are)
Steph: Scott (I feel like he’s bonding with certainpeople in the group which is breaking the group up at times. Some of thethings he says I wonder if he’s a bit false) andFederico (him and Scott are breaking themselves off from thegroup. I can feel that.. if that makes sense)
Tania: Cameron (I don’t converse with him as much aseveryone else. Sometimes I feel stupid talking to him. Don’t know what it isbut I can’t seem to be me) andSissy (she’s a great girl and I’ve spoken a lot with her butshe can be a bit strong with her direction towards tasks and people. You don’tneed to be so firm with things)
Jon has 6 nominations and Justine has 4. Only Gos and Nush had none.
May 31st :
Anouska was evicted last night with 47% of the votes, followedby Jon on 31%, Federico on 17% and Scott on a mere 5%.
The interview following her eviction was rather on the dull side and itlooked like the only interesting thing was when two members of her familywere allowed to run up to her and intercept her before Davina got a chance,the girls approaching her whispering into her ear “Don’t talk about…”
About what? Could’ve been her Dad, but this was never explained afterwards.
May 24th :
All the new housemates went into the house for the first time last nightat 9pm in alphabetical order, and two hours later they had to nominate asingle housemate each for eviction next Friday:
- Anouska: Jon – Whilst waiting to go into the rooms, conversation with him was awkwardand difficult
Cameron: Anouska – She acts quite young, everybody’s getting on fine but I think she’sstanding out as being a bit too loud for my liking – a bit too much.
Federico: Jon – relates to them the least.
Gos: Anouska – She’s a bit loud and a bit mental.
Jon: Anouska – I hoped there wouldn’t be someone loud inthe house and she’s the one. She’s the one who’s going to be (mimics ‘yap yap’hand signal) “there” all the time.
Justine: Anouska – There’s a personality clash. You need tofind someone with common ground.
Nush: Scott – Everyone else is making the effort to come overand speak to me.
Ray: Jon – He’s the quietest of the lot and it may take abit of time for him to settle down.
Scott: Anouska – She called me ‘Travis’. I’m warming to hernot as well as the others.
Sissy: Anouska – She come out saying “If anyone’s gotbitchy comments, I’m going to say…” (tell them to their face)
Steph: Federico – Wants to be called anything but Feredico.
Tania: Jon – He’s quieter than the rest.
Hence, those up for eviction are: Anouska, Federico, Jon & Scott.
The 13 contestants

Cameron,aged 32. He’s a fish trader and a member of a Baptist church. Sounds like thenew ‘Sandy’, in terms of dullness.
Federico,aged 23, from Italy but moved to Scotland. Works for his father in a restaurant.
Gos,aged 31. He’s a head chef, has a girlfriend, Stacy and lives with hisparents. At 31? “It’s an Indian thing”, apparently.
Jon,aged 29. He’s given up a £70,000 job to be in BB4 and sees himselfas a rebel. Others see him as quiet. Is he the new Spencer?
Justine,aged 27. Like Jon, she has a twin sibling and says if you see an opportunityknocking on your door you’ve got to grab it.
Nush,short for Anouska (another one), aged 23.She loves animals, enjoys travelling but is still learning to drive, andhas a boyfriend called Geoff.
Ray,aged 25. He’s a systems administrator from Dublin, now living in London.
Scott,aged 27. A marketing manager for an equestrian company from Liverpool,he doesn’t feel he’s fulfilled his potential in life yet.
Sissy,aged 26. She’s been seeing her current boyfriend, Julian, for three years.She moved to Manchester from Liverpool five years ago and designs childrenswear.
Steph,aged 27. Part of a close family who all live in the same street, and used towork in a prison before moving away with her husband.
Tania,aged 22. She lives at home in London with two sisters and works in a clothingshop.
Lisa,aged 35. Apparently a woman from Wales, but look at that 5 O’clock shadow!There’s something not quite right about her. Is she the rumoured transexual?She loves history, Eastenders and has a tattoo on an “interesting part of herbody”.

Review copyright © Dominic Robinson, 2003.
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Reviewer of movies, videogames and music since 1994. Aortic valve operation survivor from the same year. Running DVDfever.co.uk since 2000. Nobel Peace Prize winner 2021.