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Dan Owen reviews

Scary Movie

Now showing at
UCI, Trafford Centre

Scary Movie marks the cinematic comeback of the "spoof movie", this time lampooning the recent trend in post-modern slasher flicks, such as Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer. Already its box-office success ensures a sequel, and perhaps another upsurge in the spoof genre following turgid efforts post-"Naked Gun 2".

But it's very hard to see why! "Scary Movie" is not only not very funny, it's also not very scary - so fails on both counts. It's a spoof that almost makes Mel Brooks' "Robin Hood: Mean In Tights" look like a masterpiece! The problems are very simple; its targets are obvious, its gags are obvious, it relies too heavily on badtaste, it has no likeable characters, and the plot is a poor scene-by-scene reworking of "Scream".

Put simply - "Scary Movie" is just plain lazy. Its characters are stolen from "Scream" (Cindy, Doofy, Gail Hailstorm, etc), the plot is mostly directly stolen from "Scream", and it 're-enacts' scenes from "Blair Witch" and Sixth Sense to supposedly hilarious effect. But it's not hilarious in the slightest - it's just apeing superior movies.

There's a serious lack of invention and wit to counteract the simplistic spoofing, and when things get stagnant they just rely on gross-out humour. The worst offender is a head-impalement involving a penis in a toilet cubicle - mainly because there is absolutely no reason for that scene to exist! The writers just lazily thought they'd 're-enact' the knife/cubicle scene from Scream 2 but... er... with a penis. That's the kind of level we're at here, everyone...

Don't get me wrong. Bad-taste humour can work in films (watch "There's Something About Mary"), but when it's at the expense of logic and lacks any kind of wit, it's simply a childish exercise from uncreative minds. "Scary Movie" is a pretty dismal effort and will reaffirm beliefs that "Airplane!" and "Naked Gun" still can't be bettered. The sad fact is that "Scary Movie" doesn't even try and be anything other than a by-the-numbers re-telling of "Scream" with pastiches of various other movies jammed into proceedings. The few good moments are in the trailer (all of them, trust me!) and the rest is just purile and desperate material. If they weren't lampooning a high-profile genre, this would deservedly be a straight-to-video release.

Some have said that "Scary Movie" should hammer final nail in the slasher genre... but I doubt it, because this feeble effort doesn't even have the creativity of "I Still Know What You Did Last Summer" ! Instead, its content could setback the spoof genre. Its unbelievable success (based purely on the admittedly chucklesome trailers) should ensure imitators jumping on the bandwagon -- and I can only hope they don't imitate the crude level of humour. They should do themselves a favour and rewatch "Airplane!" or "Hot Shots 2" to see how it should be done.

Review copyright © Dan Owen, 2000.

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