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Dom Robinson reviews

Fighting Force

for Sony Playstation

Distributed by
Eidos Interactive Limited

  • Price: £39.99
  • Players : 1 or 2
  • Memory Card required
  • Fighting Force is set a few years after the millenium, involving a Dr. Dex Zeng who believes that the world should have ended on January 1st, 2000, and as it hasn't is none too impressed but he is one of the few people who has it in his power to make this happen.

    One of his assistants, Snapper, has had enough of this madman's ranting and has put together one of the most volative teams ever created - the FIGHTING FORCE.

    To summarise, the game is a 3D version of the popular late 1980's Renegade which involved one man against hordes of enemies, up to 3 or 4 at a time - and some of these charging at you on motorbikes - and to beat them up you either used your fists or with various implements lying around the playing area.

    Playing the Game


  • TRIANGLE - Back-fist (punch behind you), or use to grab your enemy when in close proximity.
  • SQUARE - Kick, or use to discard object by throwing it.
  • CIRCLE - Jump.
  • CROSS - Punch, or use to pick up objects when your character is directly all over them.
  • DIRECTIONAL PAD - Move your character around the screen
  • L1 - Zoom camera in and out of the screen
  • R1 - Use with D-pad to run.
  • N.B. L2 and R2 have no function in this game.

    Main Menu

    From this point you can select a one- or two-player game, or go to the options screen.


    On this screen you can select the difficulty (easy/normal/hard), music and FX volume, choose mono or stereo sound, and pick the preferred controller settings from one of eight pre-set configurations.

    You can load previously-saved games, load/save game settings or view the high score table. One essential addition made to this screen is the ability to adjust the screen's position as it's not always dead-centre on every TV set.

    The game can be read in three different languages: English, French, German, and the manual comes in five: English, French, German, Spanish and Italian.

    Playing The Game

    After selecting the number of players, and the two-player selection allows both players to join forces against the tirade of enemies, the game begins. On each level you can throw oil barrels and crates at the bad guys, and when they're on the ground give them a kick to finish them off.

    Alternatively take it one step further and use knives, bottles or crow-bars, or seriously go for the throat and blow the crap out of them by shooting with guns and shotguns. You can get some of these items by smashing up certain items of scenery.

    You can save the game, or gain continues to carry on at the same level, only at set points which can be a pain at first as it's quite difficult to get used to the controls so it's easy to die. After completing a level you can choose to move to one of two or three new places.

    Character Select

    There are four characters you can choose from, each with their own special moves, although if you're playing a two-player game you can't both have the same character.

    Mace Daniels: Mace is Fighting Force's answer to Nikita - not brash, loud or annoying, but a woman aware of her sexual magnetism. This, coupled with her array of martial arts and weaponry skills, makes her a fighter than men as well as women envy.

    Hawk Manson: Hawk is an aggro vigilante who has the hots for Mace, and while he has several jobs on the go at any one time, he takes this one in a bid to get closer to her. In addition, he also took the job as he was once a freedom fighter and feels this job is tinged with a bit of "goodness".

    Ben (Smasher) Jackson: Smasher has been serving multiple life sentences and the prison is very fond of him, renting him out to Hawk as it cuts down on inmate deaths and brings in a wad of money each time this happens. Smasher is like a loose cannon and will smash into EVERYTHING given the chance.

    Alana McKendrick: Alana is 17 and still at school inbetween going out raving at night. When asked by Mace to help defeat Dr. Zeng she jumps at the chance as Alana is his illegitimate daughter and feels it's her responsibility to stop him trying to end the world.

    Gameplay Tips

  • If someone approaches you from behind, back-fist them, then as it turns you around, kick and punch until they're history.
  • When you've finished with a gun after firing all the bullets, throw it away in the direction of a bad guy to give him a hard smack in the face.
  • It takes a second or so to pick up something heavy, so if you're surrounded don't do it as they'll kick you before you've picked it up fully making you drop it again. Also, you can't run while carrying something heavy.
  • Use your special moves sparingly as they will deplete your energy.
  • Try punching and kicking as many objects as possible as they may conceal useful items to boost energy, or weapons.
  • Experiment with various button combinations to discover new and special moves.

    Graphics, Sound and Playability

    The graphics are very colourful, and the characters are well-defined and interact accurately with the bad guys, but strangely have a habit of being able to walk through parts of the scenery.

    The FX sound accompanies the game well as the bad guys groan as you thump them again and again, or scenery shatters as you smash into it. The rocket launcher is one of my favourites when you let rip, and another nice touch is the helicopter which flies around in the game's opening menu screen. A cool stereo soundtrack also plays in the background during the game.

    For playability, one minus point at first is that while running around each level is that the scenery revolves either because something is about to happen - eg. a truck full of bad guys crashing into the scene - or simply as a matter of course, so for example if you run to the left the screen revolves so you end up running down the screen to the bottom. A bit disconcerting at first, but fine once you get used to it.


    Overall, this game isn't going to win any prizes for originality, but there's a lot of fun to be had here, and you'll enjoy it if, like me, you want to defeat the bad guys by applying plenty of violence either by kicking, punching, shooting or throwing anything that you can get your hands on.

    Its longevity is something that will depend on the person playing it. It's certainly something I could play through to the end with one of the characters, and I picked Smasher as he causes the most carnage, but the results of the respective moves between the four characters are too similar to take each one through the whole game to the finish. The reason being that the gameplay during each scene is quite samey.

    However, if you do go through the game again with other characters you can choose a different route to take, or play the two-player mode in which you can either play co-operatively with the other character, or kick the crap out of each other :)

    If you're after some more info on Eidos's games, you can check out their official Website at www.eidosinteractive.com

    Graphics : 4/5
    Sound Effects : 3/5
    Playability : 4/5
    Overall : 3/5

    Review copyright © Dominic Robinson, 1997.

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