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Dom Robinson reviews


Distributed by

Columbia TriStar

Scum is a hard-hitting study of life for the inmates at a Borstal from the day three new inmates, Carlin (Ray Winstone), sent there from another one for attacking a member of staff, the weak-willed and fragile Davis (Martin Philips), who ran away from an open Borstal and will soon be wishing he was back there and a young black lad called Angel (Alrick Riley), who soon learns that the inmates and the 'screws' are not the most politically-correct people about and if anyone has bruises arising about their person, they just "fell" and get put on Governor's Report for "fighting". Carlin's only friend in the place is Archer (Mick Ford), an apparent vegetarian and religious man, who just follows these routes to wind up those who must be obeyed.

Every wing of the prison has their "Daddy" and in A-wing it's Banks (John Blundell), ably assisted by Richards (Phil Daniels) and Eckersly (Ray Burdis), running protection rackets and generally making a serious nuisance of themselves, to put it politely. The question remains: how long can they rule the roost for before Carlin finds a way of taking over?

Bad language, scores of blood and violence and a spell or two in solitary confinement are on the cards here along with scenes that pack more than a punch, featuring a graphic assault with billiard balls wrapped in a sock, a horrific rape and a gruesome suicide.

Scum was first made as a television drama in 1977 before being remade as a film with many of the same principal leads two years later. Not many TV stations were willing to broadcast it, but a year after their conception, Channel 4 put it on the small screen, albeit with a few cuts.

In addition to the main roles, there are cameos for Brookside's Harry Cross, Bill Dean as Mr Duke, Lock Stock's Hatchet Harry, P.H. Moriarty as Mr Hunt, The Bill's PC Dave Quinnan, Andrew Paul as Betts and an uncredited cameo for Red Dwarf's cat, Danny John-Jules.

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Ray Winstone felt the film's caterers had a lot to answer for...

The transfer is a fullscreen one and doesn't have the best picture on view but is fairly artifact-free and certainly watchable, only really suffering a few scratches on the print that you'd associate with a film that's over 20 years old. The average bitrate is 4.90Mb/s, often hovering around 6Mb/s.

The sound is in mono only, just as recorded but comes across perfectly adequately.

Extras :

Chapters and Trailer :

15 chapters, which covers most of the main scenes but a few more wouldn't go amiss. The original theatrical trailer is included.

Languages and Subtitles :

Dolby Digital 1.0 (Mono) in English, with subtitles for the same.

And there's more...:

A 16-minute segment of Interviews with co-producer Clive Parsons and writer Roy Minton, along with clips of the film, provide some insight into the film, including divulging the way Ray Winstone *didn't* end up using a sock full of billiard balls. Also, the enclosed booklet provides some production notes, a synopsis and cast biographies, plus some notes on the late director Alan Clarke, who passed away in 1990 from cancer.

Menu :

A simple and static menu with a shot of Ray Winstone looking angry and options to start the film, select a scene, watch the trailer, choose subtitles or watch the interviews.

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...and everyone else was in agreement.

Overall, Scum is an exceptional and shocking film, which deserves to be seen by everyone, but is it worth twenty quid when the video can be bought for around a fiver? Rent it first and if it's not available, take a look at Alan Clarke's other Borstal nightmare vision starring Tim Roth, Made In Britain.

FILM	 		: *****
EXTRAS			: **
OVERALL			: ***

Review copyright © Dominic Robinson, 2000.

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