The Simpsons: Road Rage

Dom Robinson reviews

The Simpsons: Road Rage
for XboxDistributed by
Fox Interactive
game Pic

  • Price: £44.99
  • Players : 1The Simpsons: Not a day goes by whenI don’t think of a few choice soundbites while out and about… and myTiVoalways records an episode or two because it knows it’s my favourite show. Yes,later seasons have been rather lacklustre (“Hey, we’ve won a trip to Delaware!”),but before the seasons branched into double figures it was quite the delectation.

    How best to describe this game based on the yellow family from Springfield USA?Erm.. how about “Crazy Taxi with The Simpsons”. Yes, that describes it perfectly.As such, you get exactly what you expect – a 3D representation of the town withall the characters, voiced by the regular cast, quipping as you drive abouttown.

    Of course, I started driving as Homer, but you can choose to be any majorcharacter, starting with the family and unlocking the rest as you go, as wellas new cars and areas to drive around.

  • game PicThere’s three ways to play the game.

    Road Rage is the main one. Drive about and get your passengers fromA to B within the tight time limit. You’ll occasionally get the chance to scorebonus points by avoiding traffic or hitting objects on purpose. Of course,once your clock’s down to zero then it’s game over, and Krusty will rate yourdriving.

    In the Mission Mode, each character has their own missions to completewhich usually involves running a given number of things over as you drive aboutin your respective vehicle, with one mission per character.

    Finally, there’s Sunday drive – the practice mode. Drive about and seeto your fares with no time limit to pressure you.

    game PicGraphically, with theJet Set Radio-stylecell-shaded graphics, it all looks and sounds exactly as you’d expect it to.The camera also switches position to the roadside to see you leap big jumps.

    Regarding the sound, though, I found once that after about 10 trips, thepassengers stopped talking at me, so there appears to be a bug in theresomewhere.

    The Simpsons: Road Rage is great fun as you knock everything over whilstdriving, but I’d recommend a rental first given that, apart from the theme,it’s no different in structure toCrazy Taxi.


    Review copyright © Dominic Robinson, 2002.

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