The Tower Series 2 follows on two months on from the events of the first series, a three-parter, with cop Lizzie Adama (Tahirah Sharif – A Town Called Malice) now back in the job after …
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Beast on Blu-ray – The DVDfever Review
Beast opens with local tour guide Moll (Jessie Buckley) meeting Pascal (Johnny Flynn) on a late night after a disastrous birthday in her very small town in Jersey, which saw her family take more interest …
Continue readingDarkest Hour – Trailer 2 – Gary Oldman
Darkest Hour follows Churchill and Dunkirk, making me wonder if, like with Marvel and DC, someone’s trying to start their own Winston Churchill movie franchise… Imagine it: First, there was the Marvel Cinematic Universe, then …
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Darkest Hour follows Churchill and Dunkirk, making me wonder if, like with Marvel and DC, someone’s trying to start their own Winston Churchill movie franchise… Imagine it: First, there was the Marvel Cinematic Universe, then …
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