Call Of Duty WWII is the latest entry in a long line of COD titles, and it’s been a while since I’ve reviewed a Call of Duty game, myself. The last one I embarked upon …
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New DVDs & Blu-ray releases, Movie, TV & Gaming Reviews!
Call Of Duty WWII is the latest entry in a long line of COD titles, and it’s been a while since I’ve reviewed a Call of Duty game, myself. The last one I embarked upon …
Continue readingNOTE: The competition is now closed and the winners were Debbi Ruskin, Diane Howkins and Charmain Filewood. and Entertainment One have teamed up to give you a chance to win a copy of Gods …
Continue readingGods Of Egypt takes place in a time when everyone relies on the Gods to provide everything they need, which is usually a thinly-veiled excuse to burgle. Channel 4 used to run a similar event …
Continue readingGods of Egypt is more like “Gods of CGI” as Gerard Butler takes the lead as Set, the merciless god of darkness, who has taken over the throne of Egypt and plunged the once peaceful …
Continue readingG.I. Joe Retaliation – Hmm… at first this film seemed like it was bordering on the verge of Capricorn One territory when, early on, almost all of the ‘Joes’ are wiped out in an attack …
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