The Long Song is set during the slaves’ Christmas rebellion of 1831, and while I’m not usually one for period dramas, if they can somehow make it engaging, then they still do have a chance. …
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The Long Song is set during the slaves’ Christmas rebellion of 1831, and while I’m not usually one for period dramas, if they can somehow make it engaging, then they still do have a chance. …
Continue readingAge Before Beauty proves that yet again, if it’s Tuesday night on BBC1 at 9pm, it’s “TV for women” hour… and this new drama has lots of them working in a beauty parlour. As the …
Continue readingThe Truth Commissioner stars The Thick Of It‘s Roger Allam as Henry Stanfield, a man whose job has effectively robbed him of his family life by dominating his time, and now he’s in Belfast dealing …
Continue readingEdge of Tomorrow is a film which seems to have been timed for release to coincide with the 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings because that’s essentially what’s on show here, although the Germans have …
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