My Life Directed by Nicolas Winding Refn takes a look at the director’s life, personal and professional, and was – shot while he films the terrible Only God Forgives, but then Drive was great. This …
Continue readingTag: Ryan Gosling
Lost River – Official Trailer #1 (2015) – Matt Smith, Ryan Gosling Directed Movie HD
Lost River‘s premise is about towns being lost under water, thus causing a river, so it should really be called Lost Towns. But anyway… This is the one which is directed by Ryan Gosling, and …
Continue readingThe Flash eases into modern superhero culture
The superhero genre of the film industry has been thriving for well over a decade now, with various franchises firmly established in Hollywood. DC and Marvel alike have made enormous amounts of money off of …
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Only God Forgives – The DVDfever cinema review
Only God Forgives stars Ryan Gosling as Julian, a man who’s emigrated from the US to Bangkok and making a great living as a drug dealer, using a boxing club as a front for his …
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