The Different Types of Animation Used In Movies

The Different Types of Animation Used In Movies The Different Types of Animation Used In Movies:

Animation or animated movies are part of the best movies that you will ever come across. The reason being that they are generally more alive and allow to see the different realms of creativity that the writers and the illustrators explore as the movie unfolds. Today, we want to look at some of the most common types of animation in movies that have been and are still being used in the movies and cartoons that we enjoy watching today.

Different Types Of Movie Animation

Cel/Celluloid Animation:

    This is the first type of animation that was used in the creation of animation films. One of the major studios that loved to use this type of animation was Disney. This type of animation is also referred to as traditional animation and will need the illustrator to draw the images before they get digitised. It is a long process but is also fun as well.

2D Animation:

    Then we have what is called 2D animation. This is a type of vector-based animation and it was created after traditional animation. One of the main reasons why you can use this animation is that it is cheap and ait easy to access. In the creation of 2D animation images, you will simply need a basic understanding of keyframes and as well how to use Adobe Animate CC.

The Different Types of Animation Used In Movies

3D Animation:

    According to, 3D animation is what is used in most animation movies as well as most online casino games as well. This type of animation requires you to be able to create images or characters digitally and thereafter be able to give give it a frame that you will then be able to control.

Motion Graphics:

    Motion graphics is a type of animation that works especially with advertising as it is mainly used for text and logos.

Stop animation:

    Stop motion is an advanced version of traditional animation. The difference is that here, instead of drawing the images you will have to mould them and be able to move them afterwards. At crazyvegas, you will see some casino games have been created with stop animation.
