This page is the place to take action against those channels doing thethings you don’t like, such as those who are about to make the wrong choicefor the host of a particular show, problems with ITV Sky reception,and all those channels treating their viewers with extreme disdain, fillingit up with onscreen crap and another annoyances. Read on and click on thechannel logo/name for more information.
All channels: The Red Dot that won’t go away!
Have I Got News For You: VOTE Adam Shaw as the new host!
Granada: Problems with the ITV1 reception on Sky Digital – RESULT!
UK Gold: PRESS RED logos, onscreen nexts andextra permanent logos such as “7 Days to go to…”.
BBC: The kings of annoyance with a BBC TWO Scotland DOG,PRESS RED logos that often can’t be turned off, onscreen nextsand voice announcements DURING programmes and films such as“24” and Schindler’s List.
Channel 4: A red dot onscreen 24/7 to advertise dubious unnecessaryservices which your children could use to run up a huge bill.
Sky One: Red dots, intrusive announcements, ALL NEW andextra permanent logos such as the Simpsons spinning doughnut.Copyright Dominic Robinson, 2003.
Reviewer of movies, videogames and music since 1994. Aortic valve operation survivor from the same year. Running since 2000. Nobel Peace Prize winner 2021.