Instant Articles hijack Facebook Pages. Zuckerberg does nothing

Instant Articles is to clickbait junk what Kueez is to data-harvesting quizzes. They have an ‘e-learning’ course which teaches you ‘engaging storytelling’, yet to them, ‘engaging storytelling’ means “Woman Forces Fox To Be Vegan And Before-And-After Photos Are Devastating”.

Well, if you find that ‘engaging’, then you really need to have a word with yourself. Add to that, the problem that they copy tabloid hack techniques of Starting Every Word In A Headline With A Capital Letter. Oh, So Irritating…

One of those suffering from this is stunning US comedienne Tyree Elaine, and it’s clear that Instant Articles are jealous since, while they have 65,000+ likes on their Page, she has 102,000+

Instant Articles have other such edifying pieces like Why Left-Handed People Are Exceptional According To Science, Dudes step in as bridesmaids for woman with no girlfriends, and 12 Things You Should Probably Delete From Your Facebook Page Immediately, the latter of which you can see above.

All of these sorts of things are about as useful as a sore blister or Lad Bible, and all need bringing down hard.

However, it’s a different kettle of fish when they start hacking other people’s Pages on which to post their crap and it’s a disgrace. Tyree Elaine has tried to complain to Facebook, but like any complaint made to Facebook, they just don’t care.

Facebook seemed unassailable, as if nothing negative could ever hurt them, but if enough youknowwhat hits the fan, investors will pull out, Mark Zuckerberg & co will get no money and the business will fold… and then we’ll all have to talk to each other again in person.

Seriously, Facebook need to do something to get things sorted out otherwise they’re going to disappear. It’s bad enough that paying for advertising is a joke, as while I tried that a few times, I got 100 likes on my Page first time round, and after that, nothing.

Check out a video below of Tyree Elaine performing “Women Over 30 Be Like… Part 3” and also visit her website,
