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Dom Robinson reviews

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Special Edition

Distributed by

It's August 18th, 1973 and a dead body's been perched on a monument after its owner was clearly put through some pain prior to the life being taken. That's the opening to The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

People can do stupid things when they're young and a group of hippies travelling about first pick up a hitchhiker who cuts himself and one of their group, the wheelchair-bound Franklin (Paul A Partain) and then stumble upon a house in which not all of them will get out alive, but who will stay and who will escape?

And do you care? This is the first time I saw it and it's incredibly dated for a film that's nearly thirty years old as there's no semblance of plot and pacing is weak. One character is bashed unconscious by the one and only Leatherface (Gunnar Hansen), before being decapitated with a chainsaw, another is lifted up and impaled on a butcher's hook before being left to cool off in a freezer and another.. well, you get the idea. Oh, and the bad guy's got equally-disturbed relatives too.

There's a lot less gore than I expected given the film's iconic status that it achieved over the years, but then maybe I've become desensitised to this sort of thing after seeing a number of slasher flicks - a genre that's largely died a death (ahem!), due to it being a common staple for many young actors nowadays.

If a cow ever got the chance,
he'd kill you and everyone you ever cared about.

The film is meant to be in 1.85:1 widescreen but looks a little less wide than that because, courtesy of it not being anamorphic, you have to zoom the picture in to fill a widescreen TV and this results in opening credits getting cut off the bottom of the screen, as well as not being able to see much of the van in a longshot when they pick up a hitchhiker.

The print used is thankfully free of blemishes, but it is rather on the soft side. However, certainly no more so than you'd expect if you've been more used to an old VHS recording.

The film has a stereo surround soundtrack, but not that you'd really notice, save for Leatherface waving his favourite toy around at the end..

However, for a Special Edition, there are quite a number of extras listed:

There are no subtitles for the film, a mere 16 chapters to break it up and, yes I am going to enthuse about something here, fantastic blood-coloured menus in 3D including motion between the menus and sounds from the film.



Review copyright © Dominic Robinson, 2003.

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