Bet365 – pointless Facebook advertising scam

Bet365 Bet365 are one of many gambling companies on the internet which make it look flashy and colourful and fun to gamble away your last pound or dollar, and like with the Gala Bingo advert telling you it’s “where happy happens”, then sure it does, until the bank manager repossesses your house.

So, just avoid Bet365, then, yes? Yes, but… no, don’t go too soon, since the point is that like many companies, they’ll spend a few quid on a sponsored post, but while most such posts are here today, gone a few hours later, what keeps making these ones appear?


You know what Bet365 are all about, so what the hell does it matter if you remember TV from the ’80s, in this example, which invites you to: “Write a line from an old TV advert that other people will remember”.

Well, the problem with this is that interaction with the thread keeps pushing it to the top of the homepage news feed without the company having to spend extra money, and there are a lot of people posting online without engaging brain first. As Lt Ellen Ripley said in Aliens, “Did IQs drop sharply while I was away(?)”

Well, yes, Ripley, they did, and they all fell into the trap of this advert which tells you nothing about the service, but the comments (1,600 at the time of posting this) reads like a list of mindless zombies bashing the screen with their face.

If you’re going to post on these, at least have a point to it. I always add on a link to my Forthcoming Blu-rays and DVDs list just to spam them back, but the best response I saw came from a guy who posted on a PPI advert, “Is that Martin Lewis?”
