Big Boys – The DVDfever Review – Channel 4 – Jon Pointing, Dylan Llewellyn

Big Boys Big Boys has a rather wordy opening scene (in fact, most of the episode), telling us how in September 2011, Jack’s (Dylan Llewellyn) Dad had died at the age of 56, and “he was the only one who knew the Sky PIN”, thus setting the scene for a tale of tragedy, but laced with some dark humour.

In time, he gets confirmation that he’s passed to get into Brent University, but defers a year due to his Dad’s passing, given how it clashed with the first anniversary of this, then when he does get there, temporarily has to stay in a portakabin instead of proper halls of residence due to renovation, and it’s there where the meets Danny (Jon Pointing), the only other ‘mature student’ in that year’s intake, and who clearly has a thing for Jack’s mum, Peggy, but then she’s played by Camille Coduri 😉

Jack’s a very introverted lad, but maybe University can open him up? He really needs to let his hair down. Well, he’s only just come out, and this series also takes in his sexual experiences, including getting free condoms from campus guide Jules (Katy Wix) – who started a degree many moons ago and “forgot to leave”, as well as going to the Student Union.

So far, I’ve just seen the first two episodes, and while it’s fine, albeit not particularly standing out in any way (an example being one character mistaking ‘Asos’ for ‘Isis’), I’d probably watch the others on All4 because of my time at University.

Big Boys continues next Thursday at 10.00pm, after which, the entire series will be on All 4.

The series is not yet available to pre-order on Blu-ray or DVD.

Big Boys – Official Trailer – Channel 4

Director: Jim Archer
Producer: Bertie Peek
Creator: Jack Rooke
Writers: Jack Rooke, Paul Doolan
Music: Benjamin Garrett

Jack Rooke: Dylan Llewellyn
Danny: Jon Pointing
Peggy: Camille Coduri
Corinne: Izuka Hoyle
The Narrator: Jack Rooke
Leisa: Kristy Philipps
Mad Debs: Rhiannon Clements
Jules: Katy Wix
Yemi: Olisa Odele
Shannon: Harriet Webb
Wojciech: Andi Jashy
Ash: Callum Mardy
Maximillian, the Posh Gay: Jack Shep
Dhru ‘Ru’ Pal: Mark Silcox
Evan, the Manageress: Ben Welch
