Line Of Duty Series 6 is here! Every series, the plot is so hidden from view prior to broadcast that Brad Pitt would allow you to say far more about Fight Club than the exploits …
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New DVDs & Blu-ray releases, Movie, TV & Gaming Reviews!
Line Of Duty Series 6 is here! Every series, the plot is so hidden from view prior to broadcast that Brad Pitt would allow you to say far more about Fight Club than the exploits …
Continue readingViewpoint: 2nd UPDATE 30 April 2021: The finale is now on the ITV Hub, and it’s just there for 2 days at the time of posting this. I assumed it would be seven days, but …
Continue readingIntergalactic is a new sci-fi drama set in the year 2143, in Commonworld, a futuristic city built next to a destroyed London. Cop Ash Harper (Savannah Steyn) is planning to move to Shanghai, but as …
Continue readingThe Mosquito Coast shows off Allie Fox’s (Justin Theroux) talents early on, as he demonstrates how he can literally create ice from fire, which is very handy if you don’t have access to electricity and …
Continue readingWithout Remorse is the latest spin-off from the Jack Ryan series, given that post-Harrison Ford attempts to reboot the series have fallen flat with 2002’s The Sum Of All Fears, with Ben Affleck, and 2014’s …
Continue readingDelicious! Pretty Girls Mahjong Solitaire: Mahjong is a game I’ve never played before, but with the simple premise, it was easy to pick up – just difficult to master. You have to take each level …
Continue readingCuadragon: The Next Generation is a new ZX Spectrum Next game from Duefectu Corp, and here’s a Let’s Play / First Impressions video… Dom RobinsonReviewer of movies, videogames and music since 1994. Aortic valve operation …
Continue readingStowaway begins with what feels like the most ridiculous of premises in that a crew going to Mars has just three individuals on it. Really?! Even last year’s Away had at least seven on board …
Continue readingMortal Kombat 2021… Punch. Kick. Punch. Kick. Punch. Kick. Good guy kills bad guy. Bad guy kills good guy. There’s a sulky teenager. There’s a fatality with a heart being ripped out. There’s a macho …
Continue readingDreaming Whilst Black stars and is co-written by Adjani Salmon as Kwabena, who works in recruitment, but dreams of being a hot-shot screenwriter, who gets to pitch to a new production company, early on, but …
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