Dystoria is a very ’80s/retro-inspired game that’s a bit difficult to describe (and is best shown by watching footage of it), but it is a lot of fun to play. You pilot your spacecraft along …
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Dystoria is a very ’80s/retro-inspired game that’s a bit difficult to describe (and is best shown by watching footage of it), but it is a lot of fun to play. You pilot your spacecraft along …
Continue readingSwitch is a forthcoming puzzle/platform game from Threye Interactive which sees you, as the letter ‘i’, trying to escape each level and reunite with your other 25 alphabet friends across 70 levels. Dom RobinsonReviewer of …
Continue readingGunman Taco Truck is a superb retro-styled and very colourful game which is great fun to play, part of which involves tearing bullets into roadkill, plus rednecks roaming the freeway. With each Operation Wolf-style attempt, …
Continue readingSniper Elite 4 – one of the best gaming experiences of all time is back with a whole new storyline! And as before, you will get the chance to smackdown Hitler through the balls… although …
Continue readingTales Of Berseria is the 16th ‘Tales of‘ game since the Super Famicon original, Tales of Phantasia, was released during 1995 in Japan only. The series, in general, is loved by many to this day. …
Continue readingResident Evil 7: Biohazard feels more like Resident Evil 7: Filled Biopanties! since after playing the first hour, I already knew the type of game I was getting into. Resident Evil is back and taking …
Continue readingToukiden 2 is the second instalment of the series and is a monster/demon hunter game. I haven’t played the first game nor have I actually played any of the Monster Hunter series, which seem to …
Continue readingDarksiders first came out on the Xbox 360 and PS3 in 2010, which doesn’t seem all that long ago. The game itself received mixed reviews, with it being the best-selling game in the month of …
Continue readingFinal Fantasy XV is now out and while I’m not what I would call a Final Fantasy fan, you could say I’m more a bystander who enjoys some of the franchise’s titles. I especially enjoyed …
Continue readingWatch Dogs 2 sees you take the protganist role of Marcus Holloway – following on from the first game’s Aiden Pierce – as the action moves from Chicago to San Francisco, hacking the city’s ctOS …
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