Madres – The DVDfever Review – Amazon Prime Video – Ariana Guerra


Madres is a new Amazon Prime / Blumhouse movie for Halloween, and starts well, as Diana (Ariana Guerra) and Beto (Tenoch Huerta) have left Mexico, settled in the US, and moved into a new house. albeit with spooky stuff going on with things banging in the night. Yes, in a horror film, no-one manages to find a house that isn’t haunted to some degree.

Early on, I had to put my hands over my eyes as Anita was chopping carrots, and the music and tension built-up to… well, you’ll have to watch to find out, but I was getting all EEK!

However, it takes up until halfway through before anything else of note happens, as we see a creepy music box left behind by the previous house owner, and Diana starts getting a strange, unexplainedd rash.

Beyond that, any other scares for Diana revolve around nightmares making her think that her as-yet-unborn baby is in danger, but in terms of how that works as a film, I got more scares from the nightmare I once had, making me think that my PC had died: I walked into my man cave, and my computer desk was completely cleared apart from the PC… and the blue power light had changed to RED, telling me that the computer was completely dead!


    1. Why would my computer desk by completely cleared of everything else including the monitor?
    2. How can a blue power light turn red, when it’s a simple bit of clear plastic with a blue light behind it?
    3. If the computer’s dead, how does any sort of light still come on?!

But back to the plot, and in a film which feels like it just never really gets started, Madres has a real-life message to get across about enforced sterilisation of women, but in terms of whatever’s going on with the script, it doesn’t translate to a horror film whatsoever. It would’ve served much better as a regular drama.

Thanks to our friends at Amazon Prime Video for the screener prior to release.

Madres is on Amazon Prime Video from Friday October 8th. but the film isn’t yet available to pre-order on Blu-ray or DVD.

Madres – Official Trailer – Amazon Prime

Detailed specs:

Running time: 84 minutes
Release date: October 8th 2021
Studio: Amazon Prime Video
Aspect Ratio: 2.39:1
Rating: 1/10

Director: Ryan Zaragoza
Producer: John Brister
Screenplay: Mario Miscione, Marcella Ochoa
Music: Isabelle Engman-Bredvik, Gerardo Garcia Jr

Diana: Ariana Guerra
Beto: Tenoch Huerta
Anita: Elpidia Carrillo
Nurse Carol: Kerry Cahill
Veronica: Jennifer Patino
Man: Britton Webb
Marisol: Evelyn Gonzalez
Ernesto: René Mena
Dr. Nelson: Jason Bayle
Nurse Molly: Ashleigh Lewis
Dr. Bell: Robert Larriviere
Tomas: Joseph Garcia
Pregnant Women: Betsy Borrego
Man: Harlon Miller
Woman: Rachel Whitman Groves
Gabriela: Amelia Rico
Rosa: Leydi Morales
Woman: Sam Fisicaro
Receptionist: Sharon Elizabeth Smith
Rafael: Gustavo Munoz
