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Dom Robinson reviews

Batman Begins

Distributed by
Warner Home Video

Cover Batman Begins was a reinvention of the franchise that won a great amount of critical acclaim, but then given the state of the films made between 1989 and 1997, they'd got away from the campy '60s versions successfully but had created a new bunch of footage to be laughed at for all eternity (and Tim Burton's 1989 movie just dragged on and on to the point where you'd just wish he'd not bothered).

So, does Christopher Nolan's first attempt at a Batman movie succeed where others have failed? Mostly.

The first hour is taken up with a mix between a look back at two periods in Bruce Wayne's (Christian Bale) past, the first as an 8-year-old child when he was playing out with a similar-aged version of Rachel Dawes (who later grows into Katie Holmes, in real life four years younger than Bale but we'll let that pass) and also witnessing the murder of his parents (Linus Roache and the hottie MILF from Sugar Rush, Sara Stewart) at the hands of an apparent homeless guy, Joe Chill (Richard Brake), both of whom seem to die with such a ridiculous calm nature about it all. His mother goes without a fuss, while his Dad looks up and whispers "Don't be afraid" with about as much importance in his words as if he was asking Bruce to put the cat out.

The second period is when Master Wayne is fetched out of a ghastly prison, which for some reason he's chosen to make a temporary home, but why would he live in such a dingy shit-hole when he's rich? Henri Ducard (Liam Neeson) is a goateed bloke who turns up when Bruce is in his early 20s to state his assessment of our hero's mind that he's not really feeling any guilt over his parents' death but that this has now changed to anger and claims he can teach him to overcome his anger and face the truth. Ducard has a fighting training ground up in the mountains, during which time once they're up there together he continues to wax lyrical about anger and grief for what seems like forever.

It's also at that point in which Bruce Wayne is introduced to a spiritual bod with the bizarre name of Ra's al Ghul (Ken Watanabe) who will apparently help Batman and show him the path of what's known as The League of Shadows, and at this point you're wondering what on earth all this ninja twaddle going on is about as it plays out more like the CGI into to a computer game, not a blockbuster Hollywood movie.

Events take a turn in his life which cause him to want to fight injustice, not as a man but has a "symbol", he calls it. No, he doesn't dress up like a diminutive pop star and start singing about Alphabet Street or Purple Rain but, with the help of Lucius Fox (Morgan Freeman who plays his role like 'Q' to Batman's 'Bond') who works in the department at Bruce's father's big office tower where they make big important military-spec weapons and protective gear that never see the light of day to the general public, he uses the gear to become Batman, including driving a new style of Batmobile that you would never have dreamed of since it looks less 'Miami Vice' and more 'Flintstones'.

There's a change for the hired help as well, since Alfred is now played by Michael Caine whose character doesn't age, even when faced with an older Christian Bale trying to look younger than his years at the 'inbetween' stage with Ducard. Caine also acts more like Barry Norman during the '80s on his Film show, making you wonder when he's going to utter "And why not..."

Meanwhile, down at the cop shop, another of Batman's allies is Detective Sargeant Jim Gordon (played against type by Gary Oldman since you usually expect him to be on the wrong side of the law), but he doesn't really get time to shine until the final act.

In the baddie camp are Tom Wilkinson whose American accent is dreadful as mob boss-type Carmine Falcone, who we learn about when Mr Chill is testifying against him, 14 years after the death of Bruce's parents, in a bid to get early parole. Then we have Cillian Murphy as Dr Jonathan Crane who experiments on patients in the asylum he runs and he also has one other card to play. Finally, the Wayne corporation is now being run by Earle (Rutger Hauer), who doesn't come across as a baddie who'd do any physical harm but you just know that the way he behaves he's not really acting in the best interests of the company, the way Bruce's father would've wanted it to be, and he makes for a good addition to a well-starred cast.

Oh, and James' lead singer Tim Booth pops up as criminal Victor Zsaz, not that he gets to do much than snarl a bit but either way it's not the kind of part you expect a pop star to get.

Katie Holmes - she's absolutely gorgeous...
what a shame she's engaged to a nutter.

Christian Bale buffed himself up big-time for this role after practically wasting away in The Machinist, but even once he's given himself some definition, I still have to ask how does he jump and fly about? And what about Health & Safety as he's standing on top of buildings looking down over the city? We get the fact that Bruce Wayne is obviously an angry young man, but do just get over yourself!

I also have to say that this is occasionally pretty bloody violent for a 12-cert with chief weirdo Scarecrow's weirdness as he makes you see things that aren't really there while setting about with a plan to sort out Gotham City once and for all by polluting the water supply with something very nasty, and there's also the time when he sets fire to someone... Oh, it's a fantasy story, sorry, so that's how they get away with it, I guess.

Batman Begins is a mostly entertaining film but it's overlong and doesn't make for the masterful piece of cinema a number of people seem to think, even if it does have a better background to it than the last lot of Batman movies directed by Tim Burton and Joel Schumacher. It also paves the way for a sequel at the end - cue The Dark Knight, currently penned in for 2008.

Until then, by the time you've reached that point, you realise that there were no opening credits and now you've got them all to come.

The film is presented in anamorphic 2.35:1 widescreen with no problems whatsoever, looking great whether in the bright outdoors for the mountains or down in Batman's cave. Some of the fight scene editing could've been improved, though, the way they jump about a bit.

Most of the time, particularly towards the end, the Dolby Digital 5.1 sound is fantastic, but the opening shot of bats flying was a big disappointment as it was all in the front speakers with barely anything flapping behind me and this wasn't the only the only missed opportunity for with sound effects.

The majority of the extras are on disc 2, with just the first thing below on disc 1:

Overall, a good film with a large selection of informative extras for the completist, and additional stuff if you put it in your PC's DVD-ROM drive. The casual viewer of this one will, however, find the supplmentals rather watch-once-only.

There are subtitles in five languages, not all of which I can make out because they're in their native writing, but English and German have 'hard of hearing' versions too. The disc contains 40 chapters which is perfect for a film running almost two-and-a-quarter hours. Finally, the menus. On disc 1's opening menu, you have to go through four pages of language selections to choose "UK"! This is then followed by one of those stupid 'anti piracy' trailers which, thankfully, can be skipped through but do you really need that once you've bought the damn DVD? Then the actual menu appears as 16:9 clips from the film are mixed together with basic options at the bottom of the screen.

Disc 2's extras menu features animated still comic strip frames, if that makes sense... Well, it will when you load it up.



Review copyright © Dominic Robinson, 2006.

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