The Week Of is a wedding to which I’m glad I’m not invited, as it tells the story of a devoted, middle class father, played by the usally irritating Adam Sandler, determined to pay for …
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Dead Island: Definitive Edition on PS4 – The DVDfever Review
Dead Island: Definitive Edition: Let’s start off with some technical information this game, made by the same Polish company, Techland, also responsible for Dying Light and Call of Juarez. Dead Island is arguably their biggest …
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Dead Island Riptide on Xbox 360 – The DVDfever Review
Standard Edition: Steelbook Edition: Zombie Bait Edition: Dead Island Riptide is a game that feels as mindless as the zombies in the game. Now, I never played the first game in this series, but I …
Continue reading(500) Days of Summer on Blu-ray – The DVDfever Review
(500) Days of Summer is an anti-love story. Well, it certainly isn’t conventional, but we begin with Tom Hansen (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), who works at a greetings card company trying to come up with new holidays …
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