The Responder Series 2 – The DVDfever Review – BBC drama – Martin Freeman

The Responder Series 2 The Responder Series 2 The Responder Series 2

The Responder Series 2 sees Martin Freeman (Black Panther 2: Wakanda Forever) return as embittered first responder Chris Carson, almost two-and-a-half years after the first series, so it’s good that we have a recap at the start of this new one.

NOTE: For this review, I will assume you’ve seen the whole of series 1.

Following a pre-credits opening scene with his not-quite-anti-hero in a self-help meeting, along with Father Liam (Martin Cottle, with whom I’ll always associate the brilliant ’90s sitcom, Game On), the plot gets on in earnest, with big-time drug dealer Mike Hodgkin (Sam C Wilson) relying upon child labour to get the job done.

But could there be new employment on the horizon for others, as Chris’ former cop partner, Rachel (Adelayo Adedayo), has clearly had enough of the job, while his ex-wife, Kate (MyAnna BuringThe Salisbury Poisonings) is toying with the idea of getting a new job, but it’ll mean her relocating to London, thus taking daughter Tilly with her, just as he’s getting his life together – since he’s looking at leaving the night shift for the cop shop.

So, can he get off the response team, and apply for a day job within the police? It’d help him be around more for Tilly, even if he isn’t well-liked within the force; And if he did get it, would the title then change from The Responder to The Day-Jobber?


The first episode immediately has plenty of tension, not least when Chris tries to do a traffic stop, and a situation ensues which cuts the atmosphere with a knife, there’s still great chemistry between Freeman and Adedayo – even if her character can’t stand him; plus – and it was announced on the afternoon that this series begins – that the wonderful Bernard Hill (Titanic) has passed away, but this series features the great man as Chris’ Dad, Tom, with the characters quickly getting across that there’s no love lost between them.

I’ve only seen the opener so far, as the previews never have subtitles and you definitely need them with Freeman’s cod-Liverpudlian accent, but I like how the disparate storylines come together, and I’ll watch the rest on iPlayer, as they’re all now available.

There’s five episodes again, and it’s clear we’re on another brilliant rollercoaster ride!

Plus, where else would you get Mick Johnson from Brookside as a nightclub owner?

The Responder Series 2 begins tonight on BBC1 at 9pm, and is already available on the BBC iPlayer.

It can be pre-ordered on Blu-ray and DVD, ahead of its release on June 24th.

The Responder Series 2 – Official Trailer – BBC

Director: Jeanette Nordahl
Producer: Barrington Robinson
Writer/Creator: Tony Schumacher
Music: Matthew Herbert

Chris Carson: Martin Freeman
Rachel Hargreaves: Adelayo Adedayo
Ray Mullen: Warren Brown
Kate Carson: MyAnna Buring
Tilly Carson: Romi Hyland-Rylands
Casey: Emily Fairn
Marco: Josh Finan
Hodgkin: Sam C Wilson
Tom: Bernard Hill
Jodie Sweeney: Faye McKeever
Eric: Ian Puleston-Davies
Father Liam: Matthew Cottle
Sol: Zach J Levene
Barry: Mark Womack
Ian: Philip S McGuiness
Matty: Louis Emerick
Gavin: Joel Morris
DI Kennedy: Neil Fitzmaurice
Alan: Lenny Wood
Moira: Debbie Brannan
Shelly: Gina Fillingham
Price: Liam Scott
William: Elijah Larsen
Danny: Austin Haynes
Franny: Adam Nagaitis
Dolly: Julia Ross
Radio: Tony Schmacher
Jerry: Dominic Muldoon
Debs: Amaka Okafor
Lexie Sweeney: Lois Cringle
