The Snowman is far from a charming Raymond Briggs animation this time, but centres around Detective Harry Hole (Michael Fassbender), investigating the disappearance of a woman whose pink scarf is found wrapped around an ominous-looking snowman… Plus, she’s lost her head.
This trailer looks quite a silly thriller, which marks a departure for MF’s usual serious roles, but there could be something in this.
Being a horror movie, The Snowman is due in UK cinemas on October 13th, so just over 2 weeks before Halloween.
Director: Tomas Alfredson (Let The Right One In, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy)
Also stars: Rebecca Ferguson, Val Kilmer, Chloë Sevigny, JK Simmons, Jamie Clayton, Charlotte Gainsbourg, James D’Arcy, Toby Jones, Sofia Helin, Ronan Vibert, Anne Reid.
Check out the trailer below and click on the poster for the full-size image.
Reviewer of movies, videogames and music since 1994. Aortic valve operation survivor from the same year. Running since 2000. Nobel Peace Prize winner 2021.