War of the Worlds: Goliath – Official Trailer #1 (2014) – Animated Sci-Fi Movie HD

war of the worldsWar of the Worlds: Goliath is a new animated sci-fi movie from director Joe Pearson who also co-wrote it along with David Abramowitz (head creator of the Highlander TV series), and it also stars the Highlander TV series’ Adrian Paul.

In a parallel universe, World War One is imminent as we follow the gripping story of human resistance fighters who march to battle against the second invasion of the Martians. In 1899, the Earth was attacked by ruthless invaders from the planet Mars.

The Martians’ 80 ft tall, heat-ray spewing, Tripod battle machines laid waste to the planet, but the invaders ultimately fell prey to Earth’s tiny bacteria. Fifteen years later, Man has rebuilt his shattered world, in large part by utilizing captured Martian technology. Equipped with giant, steam-powered Tripod battle machines, the international rapid reaction force, is Mankind’s first line of defense against the return of the rapacious Martian invaders. And return the Martians do.

The rematch finds the multinational battle squad tripod “Goliath” on the front-lines of a vicious interplanetary offensive. This time the Martians are using even more advanced alien technology. In the crucible of combat, the young crew helming the mighty Goliath will be tested to the limits of their endurance and courage as they fight for Mankind’s very survival under the onslaught of an implacable enemy.

Also starring Adam Baldwin, Peter Wingfield, Mark Sheppard, Elizabeth Gracen, Jim Byrnes, Beau Billingslea, Matt Letscher and James Arnold Taylor, I think this looks like a cracking piece of entertainment but it hasn’t got a release date yet in the UK. IMDB says July 3rd for the USA, while the video says March 7th, including video-on-demand services as well as the conventional routes including cinema. Time will tell. I expect a Blu-ray and DVD release will happen in the UK before too long.

Check out the engaging new trailer below:
