What Live Stream Content Could Netflix Produce?

What Live Stream Content Could Netflix Produce What Live Stream Content Could Netflix Produce If It Goes in That Direction?

Nowadays entertainment companies are able to offer unparalleled levels of quality, but business models have also gone through a revolution, namely with the rise in popularity of subscription models.

Entertainment consumers have also demonstrated a massive shift in taste and preferences, which providers are trying to keep up with to stay relevant. Among the chief consumer demands in modern-day leisure is the availability of live entertainment accessible from anywhere. Classic games getting a new look like Monopoly Live, video services like Twitch, the revolution caused by streamers like Netflix, Hulu, and YouTube, and the fact that now every major social media offers live streaming, are proof of the changing entertainment market.

Now, one of the leaders in the media industry is also looking to join the live-streaming race. Talking about Netflix and what we could expect from their upcoming involvement in the live entertainment world.

First steps in live entertainment

One of the most popular entertainment genres is comedy, and stand-up comedy in particular, while always popular, has been booming in recent years.

As a matter of fact, some of the most popular and well-paid entertainers of modern times are comedians. Bill Burr, Dave Chapelle and Ricky Gervais are only a few of the people causing furore worldwide with their unapologetic humour that often stirs quite the pot of reactions. The fact remains that these comedians, and many others, are attracting a massive following and revenue for media companies.

It’s then no surprise that last year Netflix announced a live comedy festival called Netflix is a Joke—the first such live event for the entertainment giant. This year the series of shows began at the end of April and lasted for more than ten days, bringing on stage some of the best names in comedy. All in all, the festival, hosted in LA, offered 280 events. You read that number right. For Variety magazine, the head of Netflix’s comedy department said that the company considers itself to be the leader in all types of comedy.

Live Streaming in the Works

At the beginning of May, we learned that Netflix is planning on a serious leap into live streaming. While the project is still in early development, it is something that Netflix is working on.

To be more specific, what we now know is that live streaming will likely appear for unscripted shows and stand-up events, both of which are within the focus of the entertainment company.

There’s no confirmation yet when subscribers will get access to live streaming. However, as already mentioned, this feature is still in the works.

What could Netflix stream?

While we have to wait to see what Netflix will really offer as live streams, many speculations are already circulating around the internet. Deadline, the first to report the news about Netflix and live streaming, mentions many possibilities in front of the company. For example, they could use it for their Netflix is a Joke festival or involve subscribers in the voting process during live competition shows.

The Verge – one of the world’s leading tech news sites, points out that media conglomerate Disney has already explored the field by live-streaming the Oscars to its Disney+ service.

Considering the influence that Netflix is now wielding over the entertainment market, the possibilities are truly endless for what they could offer as live streams. Why not even dab into the gaming field, which is one of the leading consumers and producers of live streaming services? Netflix is well known for its innovative and bold projects, which include massive budget allocations to producing original and local shows, so we could only guess what they have in the works for their millions of subscribers.
