The Rock

Dom Robinson reviews

The Rock
The People’s Champ

Distributed by
Silver Vision


  • Cert:
  • WWF 1004
  • Running time: 88 minutes
  • Year: 2000
  • Pressing: 2000
  • Region(s): 2, PAL
  • Chapters: 6
  • Sound: Dolby Surround (Dolby Digital 2.0)
  • Languages: English
  • Subtitles: None
  • Fullscreen: 4:3
  • 16:9-Enhanced: No
  • Macrovision: Yes
  • Disc Format: DVD 9
  • Price: £17.99
  • Extras : Scene index, The People’s Slide Show, The Rock Says, Interviews,Animated Menus

The Rock: The People’s Champis a profile of the WWF star who doesn’t mince his words and wants to kickthe hell out of all his opponents. Those who cross swords with him hereinclude The Undertaker, Badd Ass Billy Gunn and Triple H, plusThe Big Show, described as “a 7-foot 500-pound steaming, stinking pileof monkey crap”. Lovely…

For the uninitiated, WWF (World Wrestling Foundation) is the sport thatis sometimes featured on Channel 4 on a Sunday afternoon while Channel 5opt for WCW each Friday evening. To me personally, I don’t know a great dealabout the difference as, to me, they both seem like an excuse for actorsto throw each other about a lot and appear to cause a great deal of painas a result either with their fists, feet or any household implement theycan get their hands on.

Presented in a 4:3 ratio, the print is free of artifacts and while there aresome clips used that aren’t all that they could be, the majority of what’s onview, including the interviews, looks like an excellent NTSC-to-PAL conversion,much more so than what you’d expect in the ring on TV.The average bitrate is 5.98Mb/s, occasionally peaking over 8Mb/s.

The sound, presented in Dolby Digital 2.0 (Dolby Surround), fills the roundwith sound, but if you watch the whole thing in one go, it might hurt yourears 🙂

Extras : Chapters :There are just 6 chapters over the main 88-minute feature which is way toosmall a number. Languages and Subtitles :Shouted English in vanilla surround sound, but no subtitles. And there’s more… :The People’s Slide Show is three minutes of music and montages ofThe Rock; The Rock Says features nine ‘Rock rants in the ring’ (myphrasing, not theirs) each lasting a few minutes and the Interviewssection contains eight similar-length chats. Menu :Most of the menus feature animation in the form of clips from the show, whilethe main menu is just a picture of the man as on the cover. All contain music.

Overall, it’s hard to take people like The Rock seriously, but it’s a bit ofa laugh to be had while having a few drinks. Serious WWF fans will no doubtwant to snap this one up and it’s good to know that it has decent sound andpicture, as well as a few decent extras.

Note also, that WWF: Summerslam 99 is released in August which runsfor three hours.


Review copyright © Dominic Robinson, 2000.

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