Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom is the type of game that you didn’t know you needed in your life until you play it. I was heavily engrossed in the first one for a good …
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New DVDs & Blu-ray releases, Movie, TV & Gaming Reviews!
Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom is the type of game that you didn’t know you needed in your life until you play it. I was heavily engrossed in the first one for a good …
Continue readingHome From Home started life as one of BBC2’s rather poor 2016 pilots, with Johnny Vegas in the lead role as Neil Hackett, father of a family who up sticks and move to the Lake …
Continue readingTrue Horror is a new four-part series of dramatised documentaries, starting with Hellfire Farm, which centres around artist Bill Rich (Adam Leese, above) and his wife, Liz (Amy Morgan), who together with their children, inhabit …
Continue readingRampage is one of those films I was intially in two minds about seeing. I was caught in the middle of “Well, if I see it, I may as well do so on the big …
Continue readingBrigsby Bear is a children’s show from years gone by, where the titular character would go on adventures, constantly trying to defeat the even Sun Snatcher but, of course, he never would so the programme …
Continue readingTitan Quest is out now for PS4, and this is the second time I’m writing a review for this game, since I did so prviously for the PC version, back in 2006 when it was …
Continue readingOperation Warcade is the classic arcade run-and-gun shoot-em-up Operation Wolf (with a gun sited on the unit, itself) but with two arcade machines – Immersive Edition and Classic 3D edition. It’s a side-scrolling shooter from …
Continue readingLost In Space – We all know how this works: The Space Family Robinson head out to look for ways to solve the Earth’s problems, but once out in space, they get… er… lost. We …
Continue readingExtinction is a game with a launch trailer which makes it look rather like Shadow of the Colossus. There are are similar elements to that one, in that you’re, ultimately, trying to kill giants, but …
Continue readingDungeonette is the first official boxed game to be released for the ZX Spectrum Next, due out for release next month. Fans of Atic Atac will remember this one instantly as it’s like a modern …
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