Dom Robinson reviewsButton Moon Volume 1Distributed byPT Video Cert: PTDVD 8119 Running time: 106 minutes Year: 1986 Pressing: 2001 Region(s): 0, PAL Chapters: 10 Sound: Mono Languages: English Subtitles: None Fullscreen: 4:3 16:9-Enhanced: No …
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Burnout on PS2
Dom Robinson reviewsBurnoutfor Sony Playstation 2Distributed byAcclaim Price: £39.99 Players: 1-2 Burnout. Sounds a bit similar to Wipeoutand the principle is similar as you drive, not from A to B, but from A back toA …
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Dom Robinson reviewsBurnout 2: Point of Impactfor Sony Playstation 2Distributed byAcclaim Price: £39.99 Players: 1-2 Ok, so it’s been about a year since the original Burnoutwas released, but it had some problems. Have they been …
Continue readingBully (aka Canis Canem Edit) on PS2
Dom Robinson reviewsCanis Canem Editfor Sony Playstation 2Distributed byRockstar Games Game: Strategy Guide: Price: £39.99 Players: 1 Widescreen: Yes 60Hz: No DTS Sound: No Canis Canem Edit,or Bully as it was meant to originally be …
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Dom Robinson reviewsBurnout: Paradisefor Xbox 360Distributed byElectronic Arts Price: £49.99 Players: 1; System link: 2-8; Online: 2-8 Widescreen: Yes 60Hz: Yes (optional) Dolby Digital 5.1 sound: Yes Xbox Live-enabled: Yes Burnout Paradisecomes just over two …
Continue readingBack to the Future Trilogy
Dom Robinson reviewsBack to the Future TrilogyDistributed by Cert: 9030279 Running time: 328 minutes Year: 1985/1989/90 Pressing: 2002 Region(s): 2, 4 (UK PAL) Chapters: 60 plus extras Sound: Dolby Digital 5.1, DTS 5.1 Languages: …
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Jeremy Clarke reviewsBack To The Future Part IIIDistributed byPioneer LDCE PLFEB 36241 Cert: PG Running time: 113 minutes Sides: 2 (CLV) Year: 1990 Pressing: UK, 1997 Chapters : None Sound: Dolby Surround Widescreen: 1.85:1 …
Continue readingBuffy The Vampire Slayer on DVD
Clare Dootson reviewsBuffy The Vampire SlayerSeason 2Distributed by Cert: 21412 DVD Running time: 990 minutes Year: 1997 Pressing: 2001 Region(s): 2, PAL Chapters: 330 plus extras Sound: Dolby Digital 2.0 (Dolby Surround) Languages: English, …
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Dom Robinson reviewsBuffy the Vampire Slayerfor XboxDistributed byFox Interactive Price: £44.99 Players : 1Any self-respecting male would look forward to playing about with Sarah Michelle Gellar,but her picture on the cover is the only input …
Continue readingBaddiel and Skinner Unplanned: Live from London’s West End
Dom Robinson reviewsBaddiel and Skinner Unplanned:Live from London’s West EndDistributed byMomentum Pictures Cert: MP013D Running time: 70 minutes Year: 2001 Pressing: 2001 Region(s): 2, PAL Chapters: 16 plus extras Sound: Dolby Digital 2.0 (Dolby …
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